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Passive sampling (PS) has proven
to be a reliable alternative to grab
water sampling as it allows high
volume sampling systems to ensure
significant results while maintaining
low detection limits [2]. Semi-
permeable membrane devices
(SPMDs) have been used extensively
for the screening and the source
identification of a variety of non-
polar organic contaminants. SPMDs Research & development
consist of a thin layer of a neutral lipid
(usually trioleine) enclosed within a FIGURE 1 Location of sampling points for 2012 monitoring campaign
thin-walled, flat-lying, low-density
polyethylene (LDPE) tubing. In the
aquatic environment, SPMDs allow
to measure not only the presence
but also the bioavailability and
potential bioconcentration of
organic lipophilic compounds with
octanol/water partition coefficients
logKOW >3.
In the last few years, the assessment
of anthropogenic pressure on
marine environment has led to
stronger protection efforts of marine
ecosystems. Marine protected areas
(MPAs),in particular,have become an FIGURE 2 Location of sampling points for 2013 monitoring campaign
extensively advocated form of marine
conservation and their number is
constantly increasing worldwide. It is generally recognized The goal of this research is therefore to estimate the
that MPAs are essential for conservation as they can provide pollution level by TBT and other antifouling biocides in the
unique protection for critical areas and spatial escape for 4 zones of the MPA through spot sampling for seawater.
overexploited species. MPAs safeguard populations or Organotin-compound sediments analysis and TBT
assemblages within their boundaries, but they are less seawater passive sampling have been carried out, due
effective for protection from some major threats to marine to TBT particular persistence in sediment and possible
environments [3].These threats include coastal modifications presence at very low concentration (<1 ng/l as Sn).
and subsequent changes in local hydrodynamic and
sedimentary regimes,the spreading of exotic species,disease
epidemics and, above all, contamination by chemicals that is Materials and methods
not possible to control directly.
Limited data and information are available on the 6WXG\DUHDV
environmental occurrence,fate,toxicity,and persistence The Egadi Islands’ Marine Protected Area includes
of antifouling biocides. In particular, to our knowledge, the islands of Favignana, Levanzo, Marettimo and the
no direct evaluation of these compounds is available for islets of Formica and Maraone. Figures 1 and 2 show
the Marine Protected Area of Egadi Islands. sites selected foryears 2012 and 2013 monitoring,
31EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015