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the EQS of 5 μg/kg. This presence could explain the       compliance with the EQS (annual average in particular)
detection in passive sampling due to the remobilization   defined by the WFD for priority substances.
of sediment with consequent resuspension of TBT.
TBT will probably cause problems long after it has been   $FNQRZOHGJHPHQWV
banned, remaining a matter of concern and requiring       The authors would like to acknowledge the MPA Egadi
monitoring for the years to come.                         Islands’ Director, Dr. Stefano Donati, for his assistance,
These findings confirm that pollution threats to marine   Dr. Daniela Sammartano and Dr. Monica Russo for the
systems (like the dispersion of pollutants, in our        coordination and logistic help on site, and the divers, Dr.
case) should be addressed by MPAs also through the        Niccolò Ponzè and Dr.Pietro Patti Genovese,for the crucial
development and implementation of smarter monitoring      work of positioning passive sampling devices. O
systems [19]. Passive sampling devices proved to be
useful to cope with this kind of pollution, particularly                                 Paolo Massanisso, Carla Ubaldi, Salvatore Chiavarini,
if extremely low levels have to be detected [20], in                                      Massimo Pezza, Sigfrido Cannarsa, Andrea Bordone
                                                                                ENEA, Sustainable Territorial and Production Systems Department

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