Page 4 - EAI-4_2015_9_11
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identity, often characterized by unique          However, the seasonal nature of most of
traditions.                                      these activities produces phenomena of
Therefore it is important finding a balance      temporary residence. Indeed, except for
between tourism and resident population,         the summer months, during the rest of the
which encourages local job thus avoiding         year the opportunity to work in the islands
depopulation and the invasive use of             is very limited.
natural resources that may seriously affect      This has gradually produced a process of
their integrity.                                 emigration, which contributed to the aging
Unfortunately, the number of residents           of population along with the fact that a large
have suffered a significant decrease over        amount of Favignana residents spends
the last few decades: data available from        most of the year elsewhere, also because
1971 to now show a steady reduction until        of the reckless general rise of prices
2001 and an arrest of this trend from 2001       associated to tourism, heavily impacting
onwards (Figure 1).                              on the budgets of the islanders’ families.
                                                 Depopulation and aging have mostly
 FIGURE 1 Demographic trends 1971-2011           been affected by the phenomenon of
                 Source: Urbistat, 2011          disappearance of traditional activities,
                                                 such as tuna killings (“mattanze”) and
Since 2001, albeit with some fluctuations,       the extraction of material from clay pits,
this trend has essentially stopped.              in addition to farming and agriculture.
Another worrying phenomenon is the               Moreover, in the past, the identity and
aging of population. The old age index -i.e.,    economy of Favignana were tied to
(Population> 65 years/Population 0-14 years)     Florio’s family through the Florio factory
* 100– in 2011 in Favignana was 295.07, a        (the second industrial structure born
figure much higher than both the average         in Italy after Fiat), which employed
value of 144.5 scored in Italy in 2011 (source:  thousands of people in the island and ISTAT data) and, on average, the   was dedicated to the entire production
values reported for southern Italy, that are     chain for tuna products. These activities
lower than those of the center-north.            could completely cover the islanders’ job
These data lead us to reflect on the             demand also attracting labourers from
aging of population, which could cause           outside to reach the 10,000 permanent
a gradual depopulation of the islands            residents only in Favignana.
despite the considerable presence of
production activities related to tourism.        Tourist-driven pressures
                                                 The three major Egadi islands are faced
                                                 with all the typical problems of restricted
                                                 and isolated areas. To these are added
                                                 those resulting from pressure on the
                                                 environment by services arising from
                                                 the summer tourist flow when, in August,
                                                 the only island of Favignana is home to
                                                 about 60,000 people daily, compared
                                                 to a resident population of about 4,500
                                                 people. These numbers are especially

10 EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015
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