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related to the proximity of the islands to      particularly significant in terms of arrivals
the coast with a tourist flow, often only       (+7% in 2009-2012) and much less in terms
daily, from the centers of Trapani, Marsala     of attendance (only 0.8% increase over the
and Palermo.                                    same period) because of a reduction of the
                                                average stay (which decreased by 5.8%
FIGURE 2 Tourist presence 2003-2011             in the period 2009-2012). The presence of
                                                foreigners has increased by 48.9% in terms of
                                                arrivals and 45.7% in terms of attendance,and
                                                has compensated for the decrease of Italian
                                                tourists in terms of attendance (-2% between
                                                2009 and 2012). As already stated elsewhere
                                                above, the primary concern of local tourism
                                                is related to the high concentration of flows,as
                                                shown in the graph (Figure 3).

The city of Favignana has had a strong          FIGURE 3 Data tourist arrivals in 2013 (ENEA
growth in tourism over the past decades                        processing data APT Trapani)
(Figure 2). Consider that it has gone from
23 years in the sector “hotel-restaurants”      This concentration exerts the strongest
(with 33 employees) in 1971 to 81 stores        tourist-related pressures on the environment
and 364 employees in 2012 for the same          (waste, water consumption, waste water,
sector. The tourist flow in the Municipality    traffic, etc.) and promotes depopulation.
of Favignana is concentrated in a few           Exacerbated by territorial discontinuity
months of the year, causing great pressure      which involves a huge increase in marine
on the environment. The main form of            traffic, especially in the case of Favignana
hospitality that has been developed on the      and Levanzo (closer to the coast), the
three islands, especially in recent years, is   tourist impact is worsened by the presence
in private homes given for rent in the whole    of numerous boats that come daily from
season summer (only in Favignana there          cities and seaside resorts nearby with
are about 1,600 dwellings used especially       heavy consequences affecting a sea
for seasonal stays, bot by the owners of the    of extraordinary merit but also highly
houses and by seasonal tourists).               vulnerable, that is rightly protected by the
This kind of hospitality is particularly        presence of the largest marine protected
developed in Levanzo and Marettimo, which       area in Europe ever.
have a limited number of residences or hotels.
The recent“Report on Tourism in the Province
of Trapani period 2012-2013” of the Province
of Trapani also reports the data of 2011 and
estimates for 2012, highlighting the growth of
tourism that seems enhanced in the following
years (2013 and early 2014). This growth is

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