Page 5 - EAI-4_2015_DONATI
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communities. Around the Egadi Islands         a species at increasing risk, the Patella
there are also several rocky sites which
are spectacular from both an aesthetic        ferruginea, and numerous colonies of the
and naturalistic point of view as they are
dominated by gorgonians, sponges with a       famous bivalve Pinna nobilis. Among the
highly structured marine population.
A very high biodiversity is generated by      crustaceans, it is important to mention
the habitat described above, resulting
in a marine life that includes many           the presence of Palinurus elephas,
protected and endangered species.
After numerous reports and sightings,         Scyllarides latus and Scyllarus arctus.
ISPRA and the MPA of Egadi Islands
have recently documented the presence         Also the fish fauna is rich and varied.
of at least one specimen of monk seal
(Monachus monachus) during the winter         Many species reported an increase in the
season, a species classified as critically
endangered by the IUCN and included           average size and number of individuals:
in several international conventions and
directives.                                   stone bass (Epinephelus marginatus and
Numerous sightings have occurred as
well as recovery of specimens of sea          Polyprion americanus); corvina (Sciaena
turtle Caretta caretta, which do not
nest in the Islands, but is an assiduous      umbra); umbrine (Umbrina cirrhosa);
frequenter of the MPA’s waters.
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates)      sea breams (Dentex dentex; Diplodus
and spinner dolphins (Stenella
coeruleoalba) are present among the           cervinus; Seriola dumerili); swordfish
marine mammals even if they have to
be accurately determined. Sightings of        (Xiphias gladius); bluefin tuna (Thunnus
sperm whales (Physeter microcephalus)
are not rare. The porbeagle sharks            thynnus thynnus). The marine avifauna is
(Lamna nasus and Prionace glauca) are
widespread. Two charismatic species           another attraction, especially with the
are more rarely encountered, the white
shark (Carcharodon carcharias) that           presence of a colony of the rare storm
goes in the Channel of Sicily during
reproduction, and the elephant shark          petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus.
(Cetorhinus maximus). Among corals,
real “forests” of gorgonian Paramuricea       The fauna, flora and habitats described
clavata and, in other sites, specimens
of Corallium rubrum, Gerardia savaglia        above have an exceptional value for
and Centrostephanus longispinus are
found. Among the shellfish it is worth        environmental conservation, and
mentioning the widespread presence of
                                              represent a major tourist attraction

                                              for all sea-sports fans. The MPA has 76

                                              diving sites. They are both superficial

                                              (with exceptional values), and deep

                                              (cave or underwater archaeological

                                              sites as a famous battle at sea between

                                              the Romans and Carthaginians took

                                              place in the area located north-west of

                                              Levanzo). They can be visited only with

                                              guides and authorized divers, likewise,

                                              snorkelling and sea-watching are

                                              practised under supervision.

                                              The institutional mission of the MPA is

                                              the protection and enhancement of the

                                              marine environment, environmental

                                              education, awareness and information

                                              of users, research and monitoring,

                                              integrated management of the coastal

                                              zone, and the promotion of sustainable

                                              development,  with             particular

                                              reference to the eco-compatibility of

                                              tourism. It is divided into four areas

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