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of different protection levels and with various forms of sponsorship and
different access possibilities and use fundraising at the local, regional, and
limitations. national levels.
All tourist (bathing, navigation, Among the major projects carried
anchor ing, moor ing, diving, recreational out by the MPA in recent years (2010-
fishing) or commercial (fishing and 2015), the project MASTER was aimed
marine services to tourism) activities to the positioning of bollards on the
are regulated by the MPA’s Rules and seabed of the Archipelago in order to
Disciplinary measures, annually drawn reduce the impact of illegal trawling,
up by the managing authority. that affects the seabed by rooting
The Marine Protected Area is a member out the Posidonia oceanica meadows
of Federparchi, of MedPan network, and depletes fish resources. It has
it is twinned with the Monterey Bay produced outstanding results in just
Marine Sanctuary (California, USA) two years (-50% abuses, based on the
and constantly works in synergy blue-box data). Phase 2 of the project
with the major Italian environmental is currently underway in Levanzo
associations and local associations. and Marettimo. Also MPA installed 14
In recent years, the Park Authority has mooring fields, in many sensitive areas
started up a process of management, within the 3 islands, where a total of 150
monitoring and control of the buoys are placed during the summer
territory based on participation and in order to prevent recreational boats
sharing of local stakeholders. from damaging the seabed with their
Beside the projects with ENEA, other anchors. Accessibility to the most
research developments, studies and beautiful and popular coves represents
monitoring activities are carried one of the most significant income to
out in collaboration with numerous the economy of the Islands.
national research institutions (ISPRA, In collaboration with ENEA, the
CNR, University of Palermo, CoNISMa). environmental certification of tourism
Every summer, the MPA uses a fleet services (accommodation, catering,
of four ships, operating every day rental boats, cars, motorcycles and
to support surveillance activities, bicycles, guided tours at sea, passenger
crime prevention and control at sea. transport on land and sea, fishing, diving,
These activities are carried out by the bathing facilities, mooring services)
competent authorities (Coast Guard, has been appositely implemented and
Municipal Police, Carabinieri, Prison adopted by more than 60 operators.
Police, Financial Police and State In addition, within the GERIN Project,
Police). The MPA has obtained, among new management strategies for the
all the 27 Italian protected marine areas, reuse of seagrass wrack have been
the best management assessment by tested in order to avoid disposal of this
the Ministry of the Environment, for natural bio-resource into landfill. The
the allocation of government funds on results of this studies and best practices
2013. The MPA is self-financed thanks have led to a change, after many years.
to the procedures of permits, ticket The regulation of the MPA has been
entrance and sanctions; it started up modified in 2015, by inserting an article
7EAI Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione 4/2015