Page 3 - First assessment of the vermetid
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First assessment of the vermetid reefs along the coasts of Favignana Island (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea)  373

Data analysis                                                       Height of Height of Slope of Slope of

    Differences in reef topographic complexity          Study Width the inner the outer the inner the outer
were analysed using permutational multivariate
analysis of variance (PERMANOVA, Anderson,              Areas (m) margin margin margin margin
2001). For the topographic complexity, the design
consisted of three factors: Coastal exposure (Sd;                   (cm) (cm)  (°)                     (°)
two levels, fixed factor), Area (Ar; three levels,
random, nested in Sd) and Site (St; three levels,       Grotta 7.31 ± 10.33 ± 15.66 ± 27.5 ± 42.5 ±
random, nested in ArxSd). All multivariate analyses     Perciata 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
were based on Bray-Curtis dissimilarities of log(x
+ 1) transformed data and each term in the analyses     Stor- 5.10 ± 8.33 ± 8 ± 33.3 ± 29.16 ±
was tested using 9999 random permutations of the        nello 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
appropriate units. The analyses were performed
using the software package PRIMER 6 (Clarke &               Pattern 3: Arre Turinu (northern side) and Cala
Gorley, 2006).                                          Rotonda (southern side, Figs. 10–13).

RESULTS                                                     The reef is damaged. OUTER MARGIN: it has a
                                                        variable height and sometimes it is absent. Some
Reef typology                                           crevices can also be present together with regrowth
                                                        areas. INNER MARGIN: Dendropoma petraeum is
    All the vermetid reefs are consistent with a true   absent. CUVETTES: many and sometimes very deep.
reef (according to Antonioli et al., 1999), displaying
at least three local patterns, distinguishable for                  Height of Height of Slope of Slope of
width, height of the outer and of the inner margin
and number, width and depth of cuvettes. A descrip-     Study Width the inner the outer the inner the outer
tion of the different patterns are reported below.
                                                        Areas (m) margin margin margin margin
    Pattern 1: Pozzo and Faraglione (northern side,
Figs. 2–5).                                                         (cm) (cm)  (°)                     (°)

    OUTER MARGIN: wide, flattened and irregular. In      Arre 6.38 ± 26 ±    17 ± 26.6 ± 45 ±
the inner side, crevices were also present. Some-       Turinu 0.23 0.23     0.23 0.23 0.23
times at Faraglione are present two outer margins.
INNER MARGIN: Dendropoma petraeum is absent.            CalaRo- 2.30 ± 12 ±  7.6 ± 41.6 ± 38.3 ±
CUVETTES: not many, not deep and with a variable         tonda 0.23 0.23     0.23 0.23 0.23
width. At Faraglione they are mainly present near
the outer margin. At Pozzo some of them are             Reef topographic complexity
fullfilled of sediment.
                                                            The PERMANOVA on the reef topographic
                                                        complexity provided an evidence of significant
                                                        differences in topographic complexity among the
                                                        areas whereas no differences were recorded between
                                                        the two coastal exposures (Fig. 14; Table 1).

Height of Height of Slope of Slope of                   Source df   SS MS Pseudo-F P(MC)

Study Width the inner the outer the inner the outer

Areas (m) margin margin margin margin                   Sd 1 8627 8627 0.349 0.771

(cm) (cm)  (°)                      (°)

Fara- 7.03 ± 8.66 ± 18 ± 38.3 ± 45 ±                    Ar(Sd)  4   98876 24719 9.1486 0.0001
glione 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23                                 12  32423 2701.9 1.8084 0.0098
                                                        St [Ar  36  53789 1494.1
Pozzo 15.46 ± 17.33 ± 15.33 ± 45 ±  45 ±                 (Sd)]
           0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23      0.23                  Res

    Pattern 2: Grotta Perciata and Stornello (south-    Total 53 1.9372E5
ern side, Figs. 6–9).
                                                        Table 1. PERMANOVA on the topographic
    OUTER MARGIN: thin and not continuously ar-                         complexity data.
ranged. INNER MARGIN: Dendropoma petraeum is
absent. CUVETTES: not many and not deep.
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