Page 3 - Geraci -Schicchi - 2002
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Flora  Mediterranea 12 - 2002                                        179

            For each  locality at least  15 bulbs  were collected and  were cultivated  in  pots  in  thc
          Botanica l Garden of the University of Palenno.
            For the karyological analysis. root tips were pretreated with 0.3% colchicine for 3 hours.
          and  flxed  in a mixturc 3: l absolute alcohol - glacial acetic aci d for a t  l cast onc  hour and
          finally stained by SchifT's rcagent after hydrolysis with H Cl l   for seven minutcs at 60°C
          (Oarlington &  La Cour 1960).
            At  least ten metaphase plates for each sample were counted.

            The chromosomc numbcr and thc rclevant level ofploidy ofthe studied populations are
          given  in Table 2.
            Results show that clcvcn populations are diploid 2n =  14. In particular diploids wcrc found
          in  most of thc  localitics in  north-westem  Sicily (near Trapani. mountains around  Palermo,
          and  Madonic mountains).  A population  located in  the Natura!  Rescrve of Zingaro  (Trapani
          Province) prcscntcd 2n - 42 "" 6x. Bcsides, in the diploid populations in the Favignana islet
          (Egadi  lsland - Trapani Province) a B- chromosome (2n = 14 + l B) has bccn found.
            Exaploid  level  has bcen obscrvcd  in  plants  from  the southem  part of thc Sicily (ncar
          Siracusa).  In  plants  collected  in  the  loca1ity  Portella  Scalazza  ncar  Marianopoli
          (Caltanissetta. C-Sicily) both diploids and tetraploids (2n =  28) have bccn found occurring
          in the same population (Fig. 2. 3).

          Table 2. Chromosomc numbcr and ploidy leve) ofthe populations in,estigated.
            ldcntificatlon      Locality        Cbromosome oumber (1n)   Ploid~ le,•el
                        Fontannrossa (TP)                 14                2oc
                2       Valdcncc (TP)                     14                2oc
                3       Momc Cofano (TP)                  14                2'
                4       San Vito Lo Capo (TP)             14                2x
                s       Scopello (TP)                     14                2x
                (l      Monte Gullo (PA)                  14                2x
                7       Moutc Cntulfuno (PA)              14                2x
                K       Caltavuturo (PA)                  14                2x
                9       Pcrrolio  Sottana (PA)            14                2x
                IO      Gcraca Saculo (PA)                14                2x
                Il      Favignana (TP)                   14 + l           2x + l
                12      Marianopoli (CL)                 14. 28            2x.4x
                13      Zmgaro (TP)                       42                6x
                14      Uelvedere (SR)                    42                6x
                15      lloridu.l (SR)                    42                6x
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