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182        Geraci &  Raimondo: Cytogeographical investigation of Scilla autwnnalis ...

            autumnalis in Lhe Mediterranean sensu strictu, this could be cxplained by absence ofimpor-
            tant factors to impose a definite geographicaJ direction on the evolution of polyploids.
              In  the central-south  Europcan  arca  diploids  become more and  more rare  unti!  disap-
            pearing as it is shown in Northem  ltaly,  France and England whcre the northern distribu-
            tion limit is found.
              In conclusion, Sicily where both di plaid and polyploid chromosome races occur togelh-
            er. may be considered as an area whcre the conditions for Lhe ancestor's diploid cytotype
            pre  ervation stili exist and al tbe same time as a potential centrc for future sympatric evo-
            lution in the Mediterranean starting from the present polyploid complcx.

              This study has been done wiù1ìn a research project funded by MI UR (Contribution ex 60%) which
            is gratcfully acknowledgcd.

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                        Addresses of the authors:
                        Don.  Anna  Geraci.  Prof.  Rosario  Schicchi,  Dipartimento  di  Scienze  Botaniche
                        dell'Università degli Studi di Palermo, via Archirafi 28- 1-90123  Palermo.
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