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Agribusiness Landscape & Environment, Volume 17/2014 - Special Issue 2

               priority in case of limited pubblic assets. The evaluation model, proposed for the
               “Architectural Unit” level (A.U.), is based on the collected data and analyzes the
               quality of a building, its formal and technical characteristics, its internal features
               (the residential units) and its external relations (with the building block and the
               quarry)  as  well  as  its  economic  characteristics.  The  A.U.’s  projects  are
               compared  by  referring  to  four  principal  criteria:  environmental;  architectural;
               technical;  and  economic-financial  (Fig.  2).  Altogether,  there  are  17  estimated
               elements using quantitative or qualitative indicators to facilitate the judgments
               of preference among the alternatives (Piantanakulchai, 2005).

                 Figure 1. The Architectural Units involved in the renewal project of a building block

                                                           A.U. 2
                                                          A.U. 11
                                 Environmental            A.U. 22            Economic-financial
                                 characteristics          A.U. 23             characteristics
                                  Urban skyline           A.U. 26            Present market price
                               Border of the building block                 Project rehabilitation cost
                                 Link quarry/A.U.                           Cost/market price increase
                                 Border of the quarry

                                  Architectural                                 Technical
                                 characteristics                              characteristics
                                 Construction system                           Term of the use
                               Vertical connection elements                    Deterioration
                              Habitation and external spaces                    Instability
                              Habitation and internal spaces                 Alteration of the facades
                                 Quality of the facades                      Technical installations
                                                Figure 2. The ANP model

               After this stage, pairwise comparisons are made by the DM/experts to express their
               judgments  on  the  elements  in  accordance  with  another  element  of  the  system  to
               establish their relative importance. In this model, some of the elements are technical
               or  economic  and  can  be  quantified  by  a  group  of  experts  who  act  as  public
               administration consultants. Many others are of a complex technical and political or
               political and cultural nature and can be controversial. For example, in order to assess
               the  elements called “Vertical  connection elements”, described by complex quality
               indicators  (Fig.  3),  it  is  deemed  necessary  to  verify  if  the  local  social  system
               considers its complexity useful or useless, thus giving it a positive or negative value.

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