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          Figure 1. MPA distribution along the Italian coasts updated to the year 2000 (redrawn from

   data on species richness; transect (25 Â 5 m), to collect data on abundance and class size, to help evaluate
   the efficacy of different levels of protection (A, B, C) in the Italian MPAs. Sampling is stratified
   according to depth (0–3, 4–7, 12–16, 24–30 m) and to sea-bottom typology (hard bottom, soft bottom,
* Benthic sampling } photographic and visual cover estimates are made every 6 months on hard-bottom
   benthos (subtidal zones). Data are collected within the ‘A’ zone, while two control samples are taken
   within zone ‘B’ or ‘C’ (‘C’ preferred). Samples are taken from within three bathymetric ranges (at depths
   of 4–7 m, 12–16 m, 24–33 m) where 10 photographic samples are taken (altogether, 30 pictures per site).
   Sampling in the mesolittoral zone is also being carried out. In Posidonia oceanica meadows, three
   random quadrates of 40 Â 40 cm, carried out at three sites at three different depth levels, are used for
   visual estimates of surface cover and density. Data are collected every 6 months for 2 yr.
* Pollution monitoring } biomarker studies are planned in the ‘A’ zones of six MPAs (Portofino, Punta
   Campanella, Villasimius, Egadi, Porto Cesareo, Torre Guaceto), at two different times, on two target
   species, Serranus cabrilla sea bass (a carnivorous fish) and Sarpa salpa porgy (a herbivorous fish).
   Superficial sand samples are collected from two sites within each ‘A’ zone. Moreover, in order to assess
   tributyltin levels on the ‘A’ zone assemblages, the imposex on the gastropod Hexaplex (Trunculariopsis)
   trunculus is evaluated in each MPA.

   All the data will be fed into a single database, enabling the creation of an information system designed to
cater for the needs of a range of different user groups.

Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 14: S119–S122 (2004)
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