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   In order to meet the challenge of undertaking simultaneous surveys and to foster co-operation among
scientists at the national level, ICRAM has sought the collaboration of a large number of scientific
partners, mostly within the National Consortium of Marine Science Institutes of the University system
(CoNISMa) and the National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: CNR). These include
institutes from the Universities of Cagliari, Genoa, Lecce, Messina, Naples, Palermo and Siena and the
CNR institutes IRMA (Castellamare del Golfo) and IST (Messina).

   Furthermore, an International Advisory Committee, comprising international experts in the field of
MPA science, provides advice on research standardization.

   After the first 3 yr phase (2001–2004), it is envisaged that ‘Sistema Afrodite’ will continue encompassing
the entire suite of Italian MPAs, extending its scope to other MPA systems within the Mediterranean
region. To this purpose, the European Commission (General Directorate for Scientific Research) founded
an international workshop in summer 2002 to evaluate ways for extending the research protocol and
direction of ‘Sistema Afrodite’ to the Mediterranean area.

   It is hoped that ‘Sistema Afrodite’ will provide a template on standardizing research throughout the
Mediterranean, thus catalysing the creation of unified operating networks integrated within a true system of
Mediterranean MPAs. At the moment, however, the field activities have only recently finished, and it is too
early to have a critical analysis of the project and of all the results gathered.


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Copyright # 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 14: S119–S122 (2004)
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