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S. Cloetingh et al./ Tectonophysics 252 (1995) l -5 3
2.3. Relationship of deeper lithospheric processes constraints on the evolution of the Lagonegro basin
with near-surface tectonics: natura! laboratories in and adjacent domains of the southern Apennines.
the Alpine/ Mediterranean region The paper by Pappone and Ferranti presents new
data on the thrust tectonics of the Picentini Moun-
The AlpinejMediterranean basins form key areas tains of the Southern Apennines. The importance of
in Europe for the study of the interplay of extension coupling large-scale basinwide flexure, thrusting on
and compression in basin evolution. The association subbasin scale, and eustasy for forward stratigraphic
of extending basins in a regime of overall conver- modelling of piggyback basins in foreland fold-and-
gence with adjacent thrust belts offers excellent op- thrust belts bave been demonstrated recently by
portunities to examine temporal and spatial varia- Zoetemeijer et al. (1993). De Alteriis (this volume)
tions in mechanical coupling between extension and discusses the evolution of different foreland basins in
foreland flexure (Cloetingh and Kooi, 1992; Cloet- ltaly, concentrating on examples from the centrai and
ingh et al., 1992). The evolution of the extensional southern Adriatic. During the last few years an in-
basins often leads to the development of rift shoulder creasing effort has been made to quantify the rela-
topography (e.g., Spadini et al., this volume), modi- tionships between tectonics, topography and land-
fying stress regimes in the adjacent onshore regions. form development through modelling (e.g., Kooi and
The Apennines/ Alpine region and its association Beaumont, 1994; Peper et al., 1994). High-quality
with the Tyrrhenian/ Adriatic basins and the Carpa- data in well constrained tectonic settings such as the
thianjPannonian system (Horvath, 1993; Roure et Apennines belt are needed to constrain these models.
al., 1993) stand out as well documented cases for The centrai northern Apennines and their connec-
future modelling by the Task Force. tion with the western part of the Alpine system are
A key part of this volume focuses on the mecha- the subject of the following three papers. Cipollari
nisms for basin formation in the Apennines, Sicily, and Cosentino (this volume) discuss the tectonic
the Alpine region and the Tyrrhenian sea. Dogliani significance of Miocene unconformities in the Cen-
(this volume) reviews the tectonic relationships be- trai Apennines and its relationship with sedimentary
tween extension and convergence for the Apennines basin evolution. Ponziani et al. (this volume) present
system, arguing for a key contro! by mantle flow on a new hypothesis on the crustal structure of the
the dynamics of the downgoing slab. The following northern Apennines based on re-processing and re-
four papers present detailed reconstructions and interpretation of existing deep seismic sounding data.
modelling of the sedimentary record of the Sardinia, Noack (this volume) demonstrates the field evidence
Sicily and Calabria margins of the Tyrrhenian Sea. for control by pre-existing extensional structures on
Spadini et al. (this volume) focus on a quantitative subsequent thrust development in the eastern Jura
analysis of the subsidence history and forward strati- mountains.
graphic modelling of the Sardinian margin of the Basin research in the PannonianjCarpathian sys-
Tyrrhenian Sea. Their contribution supports the exis- tem is an important part of the Task Force activities.
tence of a causai relationship between tectonic and This area has been the site of extensive drilling and
the Messinian events, and provides constraints on the seismic data acquisition providing an excellent start-
crustal configuration during the Messinian salinity ing point for integrated modelling. Work by the Task
crisis. The contribution by Argnani and Camberi Force in this area has been reported in a previous
(this volume) focuses on the post Messinian basin Task Force volume (Cloetingh et al., 1993a; Hor-
formation and inversion on top of the Egadi thrust vath, 1993). The following three papers present new
belt (NW Sicily offshore), whereas Nigro and Sulli data and modelling results in the NW Carpathian and
(this volume) discuss the Plio-Pleistocene exten- Centrai Hungarian part of the PannonianjCarpathian
sional tectonics in the western Peloritani area and its system. Lankreijer et al. (this volume) present the
offshore. results of an extensive subsidence analysis and mod-
The following papers focus on the southern Apen- elling interpretati an of the Vienna an d Danube basins,
nines segment of the western Mediterranean system. constraining proposed mechanisms of thin-skinned
Marsella et al. (this volume) present new structural and thick-skinned extension. Kovac et al. (this voi-