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4 S. Cloetingh et al./ Tectmwphysics 252 ( 1995) /-5
urne) discuss the complex back-arc basin evolution References
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beneath Neogene basins in southeastem Hungary. Cloetingh, S. and Kooi, H., 1992. Tectonics and global change -
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opment remain to be solved and future studies of the in the AtlanticjMediterranean region. Terra Nova, 4: 340-350.
deep structure of basins and the coupling of basin Cloetìngh, S., Van der Beek, P.A., Van Rees, D., Roep, Th. B.,
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data sets and the development and application of Cloetingh, S. Sassi, W. and Horvath, F. (Editors), 1993a. The
modelling concepts presented in this volume will Origin of Sedimentary Basins: Inferences from Quantitative
contribute towards the realization of a better under- Modelling and Basin Analysis. Tectonophysics, 226: 1-518.
Cloetìngh, S., Sassi, W., Horvath, F. and Puigdefabregas, C.
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tary Basin Evolution. Sediment. Geol., 86: 1-201.
Cloetìngh, S., Sassi, W. and Task Force Team, 1994. The origin
Acknowledgements of sedimentary basins - a status report from the International
Lìthosphere Programme Task Force. Mar. Pet. Geol., Il:
We thank the Intemational Lithosphere Pro-
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gramme, the Research Institute GEOMARE, CNR, Sassi, W. (Edìtors), 1994. Dynamics of Extensìonal Basin
Naples, the Netherlands Research School of Sedi- Formation. Tectonophysics, 240: 1-341.
mentary Geology (NSG) and Agip for partial fund- Cloetingh, S., Durand, B. and Puigdefabregas, C. (Editors), 1995a.
ing and the Banco Sannitica for providing the excel- Integrated Basin Studies. Mar. Petrol. Geo!., 12: 785-970.
Cloetingh, S., Van Wees, J.D., Van der Beek, P.A. and Spadini,
lent facilities of the Auditorium in Benevento. We
G., 1995b. Role of pre-rift rheology in kinematics of exten-
were privileged to benefit from the dedication and sional basin forrnation: constraints from case histories of
organisational skills of members of the Department Mediterranean and intracratonic basins. Mar. Pet. Geo!., 12:
of Earth Sciences of the University of Naples and the 793-807.
GEOMARE Institute. We are particularly grateful D'Argenio, B., Ferranti, L., Marsella, E., Pappone, G., Sacchi, M.,
1993. From the lost Lagonegro basin to the present Tyrrhe-
for the efforts of Marco Sacchi and the workshop
nian. A Field Guide, 1-142.
secretary Patty Sclafani. Randell Stephenson, Gior- Hippolyte, J.C., Angelier, J., Bergerat, F., Nury, D. and Guieu, G.,
gio Ranalli and Frank Horvath chaired the working 1993. Tectonic stratigraphic record of paleostress time changes
groups on Stresses and Basin Evolution, Rheology in the Oligocene basins of the Provence, southern France.
Tectonophysics, 226: 15-35.
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of the Pannonian Basin. Tectonophysics, 226: 333-357.
respectively. Luigi Ferranti, Ennio Marsella, Gerardo Kooi, H. and Beaumont, C., 1994. Escarpment evolution on high
Pappone, and John Oldow have guided most of the elevation rifted margins: insights derived from a surface pro-
field trips. Vittoria Ferreri and co-workers showed cesses mode! that combines dìffusion, advection and reaction.
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which fossilized the ancient town of Paestum (VII Margin (SE France). J. Geophys. Res., 97: 17,553-17,572.
Century BC), one of the outstanding Greek settle- Kusznir, N.J., Marsden, G. and Egan, S.S., 1991. A flexura1-
cantilever simp1e-shearjpure shear mode! of continentallitho-
ments in Southem Italy. Rudie van der Meer and
sphere extension: applications to the Jeanne d' Are Basin,
Anco Lankreijer are thanked for editoria! assistance.
Grand Banks and Viking Graben, North Sea. In: A.H. Roberts,
We thank ali the reviewers for their criticai and G. Yielding and B. Freeman (Editors), The Geometry of
constructive comments. Norma! Faults. Geo!. Soc. London, Spec. Pubi., 56: 41-60.