Page 113 - Invasive_Species_2013
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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet

          Similar species                                   vanicolensis inhabits caves during the day. There is
          The body shape and the habitat of this species differ  no documented evidence of competition with the
                                                            native species Apogon imberbis. However, the daily
          significantly from all other Mediterranean species
                                                            migration out of the cave to forage at night and back
          and a misidentification is unlikely.
                                                            in the morning could increase the transfer of organic
                                                            matter into the cave and thereby have an impact on
          Brief history of its introduction and             the cave-associated invertebrate fauna.
          The Vanikoro sweeper is an Indo-West Pacific
                                                            Economic impacts
          species that is also present in the Red Sea. It
                                                            No impact is likely. Due to its relatively small size and
          invaded the Mediterranean Sea through the Suez
                                                            its nocturnal habits, it has little importance in local
          Canal. It was first recorded in Lebanon in 1979, and
          subsequently along many other coasts in the
          eastern and central Mediterranean Sea (Israel,    Management options
          Lebanon, Greece, Rhodes, Turkey, Egypt, Libya and
                                                            These include a) early eradication of new
          the Gulf of Gabes in Tunisia).
                                                            populations by MPA technicians through hand
          This species experienced a rapid population       fishing, and b) maintenance of healthy and abundant
          expansion almost immediately after entering the   assemblages of top predators to encourage natural
          Mediterranean, and it is now very common in the   control through predation.

          Ecological impacts                                Golani. D and Diamant, A., 1991. Biology of the sweeper,
                                                            Pempheris vanicolensis Cuvier & Valenciennes, a
          The lack of nocturnal competitors may have
                                                            Lessepsian migrant in the eastern Mediterranean, with a
          facilitated the population growth and spread of this  comparison with the original Red Sea population. Journal
          non-indigenous species in the Mediterranean. Like  of Fish Biology 38, 8 19-827.
          other Pempheridae sweepers, Pempheris   

          Pempheris vanicolensis. Photo: A. Can -  Pempheris vanicolensis. Photo: A. Can -

                                                                                                               Drawings: Juan Varela

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