Page 117 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 117

Mediterranean invasive species factsheet

          Similar species                                   Mediterranean. In the Levant, the redcoat is now one
          There is no similar native species in the         of the most common species, easily encountered in
          Mediterranean. The colour pattern in combination  small groups of 5–10 individuals among rocks and in
          with the stout spine on the cheek distinguishes this  caverns at depths of 15–40 m. It shares the habitat
          fish from all other Mediterranean species.        with Apogon imberbis, an indigenous Mediterranean
          Its closest relative, Sargocentron hastatum, occurs
          in the eastern Atlantic but until now has not been  At some sites its spread onto artificial reefs has been
          recorded in the Mediterranean Sea. It is red with  correlated with a decrease in numbers of several
          white and yellow stripes (the white ones narrower  indigenous groupers and sparids. However, more
          than the red) and has distinctive black spots on the  studies will be needed to reveal its interactions with
          first two spines of the dorsal fins.              prey and competitors. Its daily migration out of the
                                                            cave to forage at night and back in the morning could
                                                            increase the transfer of organic matter into the cave
                                                            and thereby have an impact on the cave-associated
              Distinctive black spots on the
              first two spines of the dorsal fin            invertebrate fauna.
                                     White stripes along the body
                                     narrower than the red stripes
                                                            Economic impacts
                                                            The redcoat is caught in small numbers mainly by
                                                            trammel net or occasionally by hook and line, mainly
                                                            at night at depths of 20–40 m. Some reports have
                                                            associated increased catches of this species with a
                                                            decline in the number of groupers and other
                                                            commercial species caught.

                                                            Management options
                                                            These include a) early eradication of new
          Sargocentron hastatum
                                                            populations by MPA technicians through spear
                                                            fishing, and b) maintenance of healthy and abundant
                                                            assemblages of top predators to encourage natural
                                                            control through predation.
          Brief history of its introduction and
          pathways                                          References

          This is an Indo-West Pacific species, occurring from
                                                            Golani, D. & A. Ben-Tuvia,  1985. The biology of the
          the Red Sea to the western Pacific, from southern
                                                            Indo-Pacific squirrelfish, Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskål), a
          Japan to Australia. In the Mediterranean it was first  Suez Canal migrant to the eastern Mediterranean. J .  Fish
          recorded in Palestine in 1947, and subsequently in  Biol. 27, 249-258.
          Lebanon, Rhodes, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, and

          The redcoat squirrelfish is considered to be one of
          the first fish species to have spread into the

          Ecological impacts

          The lack of nocturnal competitors may have                                                           Drawings: Juan Varela
          facilitated the population growth and spread of the
          non-indigenous redcoat squirrelfish in the

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