Page 122 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 122

Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: Marbled spinefoot

                                                                            olive-green to brown colour
                                                                 identification                 Caudal fin forked

               Scientific Name:
               Siganus rivulatus

               Key identifying features
               This medium-sized fish has an ellipsoidal,         Brief history
               compressed body covered with small scales                                Body more elongated with fine
                                                                                        yellow stripes
               embedded within the skin. It grows to a length of up
               to 27 cm, commonly 5–25 cm.

               The dorsal fin, with 13–14 spines and 10 soft rays,
               begins above the pectoral fin base, and the first
               dorsal spine points forward. Key taxonomical
                                                                 groups of 50 to several hundred individuals, feeding
               features for this species’ identification are pelvic fins
                                                                 mainly green and red algae, such as Ulva spp. and
               with two stout spines connected by a membrane to
                                                                 Hypnea spp., and seagrasses (Posidonia oceanica).
               the abdomen, and the forked tail fin. There are 7
               spines in the anal fin with 8–10 soft rays. The anterior  Reproduction
               spines of the median fins are slender, whilst the
                                                                 The spawning season lasts from May to September.
               posterior spines are stout, all of the spines being
               venomous. The mouth is small with distinct lips.

               Body colour is brown to grey green, and light-brown
               to yellow on the belly. There are fine, often faint,
               yellow-gold stripes on the lower half of body. At night
               or when frightened, the colour is very mottled, with
               six diagonal bars across the flank.

               Field identification signs and habitat
               The marbled spinefoot lives in shallow waters,
               preferring hard bottoms of compacted sand with rock,
               usually covered with vegetation. Adults live in small

                Siganus rivulatus. Photo: P. Francour            Siganus luridus. Photo: B. Daniel

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