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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet

          Reproduction                                      recorded first in Israel in 1952 and subsequently in
                                                            Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Libya, Crete, Egypt, Albania
          In the Mediterranean, the spawning season extends
                                                            and Croatia. This species is now very common
          over 12 months of the year with peaks from April to
                                                            throughout the eastern basin and it has also
          December (April to September in the Levantine
                                                            appeared recently in Italian waters (Cape Peloro,
                                                            Strait of Messina).
          Similar species
          The shape and the habits of the brushtooth lizardfish  Ecological impacts
          are very similar to those of the native Mediterranean  The brushtooth lizardfish is a voracious predator. The
          lizardfish, Synodus saurus. Saurida undosquamis,  native and the non-indigenous lizardfish species
          however, has a more slender body and a            occupy different, depth-related habitats; however,
          characteristic series of dark spots on the first dorsal  interaction and competition between the two for the
          ray and upper edge of the tail fin. Synodus saurus  same prey fish may be possible. High densities of
          lacks these dark spots on the tail fin, has pelvic fins  the non-indigenous S. undosquamis could therefore
          with inner rays that are much longer than the outer  displace the native species (S. saurus). Adults could
          ones, and has a single band of teeth on the       furthermore compete with other native piscivorous
          palatines rather than two.                        species by exploiting local resources faster.

                                                            Economic impacts
                                                            The brushtooth lizardfish is now an important
                                                            commercial fish in the eastern Mediterranean, where
                                                            it is caught by trawlers in large quantities. A sudden
                                                            increase in brushtooth lizardfish catch came at the
                                                            expense of certain economically important native
             maxilla very
             slender and teeth no                           species, such as the hake Merluccius merluccius and
             visible with closed  8 pelvic-fin rays unequal  the lizardfish Synodus saurus, along some
             mouth              in size
                                                            Mediterranean coasts.

            The native species, Synodus saurus
                                                            Management options
                                                            These include a) early eradication of new
                                                            populations by MPA technicians through hand or
                                                            spear fishing, and b) maintenance of healthy and
                                                            abundant assemblages of top predators to
                                                            encourage natural control through predation.


                                                            Golani, D., 1993. The biology of the Red Sea migrant,
                                                            Saurida  undosquamis in the Mediterranean and
                                                            comparison with the indigenous confamilial Synodus saurus
                                                            (Teleostei: Synodontidae). Hydrobiologia 271: 109-117.
          Synodus saurus. Photo: E. Azzurro

          Brief history of its introduction and
          pathways                                                                                             Drawings: Juan Varela

          This is an Indo-West Pacific Ocean species,
          including the Red Sea. In the Mediterranean, it was

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