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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                               Reproduction  Common name: not assigned


               Scientific Name:
               Oculina patagonica

               Key identifying features

               This is a stony colonial coral that can harbour    Brief history
               symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae). Its colonies,
               yellowish-brown in colour, are encrusting or form
               clumps, and the polyps have short, thick, highly fused
               tentacles. The corallites, tubular skeletons of the                                     Photo: ISME
               polyps, are crowded, up to 5 mm in diameter, with
               neat and round, walls and both long and short septo-
               costae (radial elements).

               Field identification signs and habitat
               The colonies are generally encrusting, thicker in the
               centre with a thin edge spreading over the substrate.
               However, the form of the colony varies with depth
               and other characteristics of the environment.
               Bleaching of O. patagonica may be seen at some
               sites, starting on the outer edges of the colony and
               spreading inwards.
               It is an opportunistic species, able to thrive in various
                                                                 Oculina patagonica. Photo: D. Kersting
               littoral habitats, encrusting on vertical and horizontal
               surfaces in natural pristine sites as well as in
               marinas, harbours and heavily polluted areas.     spawning and asexually by budding new polyps from
                                                                 existing ones, resulting in crowded, genetically identical
               Reproduction                                      colonies. Its successful proliferation is also due to its
               It is able to reproduce both sexually by broadcast  early reproductive maturity and high growth rate.

              Oculina patagonica. Photo: E. Cebrian

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