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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet

          Similar species                                   shipping from the temperate south-western Atlantic. It
          Oculina patagonica resembles the native scleractian  has now been recorded in Italy, Spain, France, Turkey,
          coral Cladocora caespitosa. The calcareous colonies  Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria.
          of C. caespitosa are, however, globular,
          homogeneous and sometimes more than 50 cm in      Ecological impacts
          diameter.                                         The increase of this opportunistic species may affect
                                                            the stability of algal communities as the dominant
          Colonies of O. patagonica are more low-growing and  trophic group on shallow rocky Mediterranean
          encrusting and have connective tissue between the  substrates. It overgrows calcareous structures such as
          polyps that makes the shape of the skeleton readily  serpulid worm tubes, vermetid shells and barnacles,
          apparent.                                         and can completely eliminate algae and other
                                                            soft-bodied attached organisms. It also out-competes
                                                            the indigenous Cladocora caespitosa, which is
                                                            overgrown when the two species come into contact.

                                                            Economic impacts

                                                            Management options
                                                            Prevention: Unknown. Eradication: Unknown
         Cladocora caespitosa. Photo: J.A. Fayos
                                                            Further reading
          Brief history of its introduction and             Sartoretto S., et al., 2008. The alien coral Oculina patagonica
          pathways                                          De Angelis, 1908 (Cnidaria, Scleractinia) in Algeria and
                                                            Tunisia. Aquatic Invasions Vol 3, Issue 2, 173-180.
          The origin of this species is uncertain. It is perhaps
                                                            Coma R., et al., 2011. Sea Urchins Predation Facilitates
          from South America: northern Argentina and southern  Coral Invasion in a Marine Reserve. PLoS ONE 6(7):
          Brazil. Previously unknown in the Mediterranean,  e22017. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022017.
          specimens were tentatively identified as Oculina  Fine M. , Zibrowius H., Loya Y., 2001. Oculina patagonica:
          patagonica in 1908 and regarded as a species      a non-lessepsian scleractinian coral invading the
          accidentally brought into the Mediterranean by    Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology 138, 1195-1203.

                                           Long column wall

                                                                                             Connective tissue
                 Coral skeleton of C. caespitosa
                                                               Coral skeleton of O. patagonica
              Encrusting colonies
                                                                                                               Drawings: Juan Varela
                                                                                         Upstanding colonies

                     Oculina patagonica                                 Cladocora caespitosa

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