Page 82 - Invasive_Species_2013
P. 82

Mediterranean invasive species factsheet


                                                                Reproduction  Common name: Japanese carpet shell,
                                                                                        or  Manila clam

                                                                                          Three teeth

               Scientific Name:
               Venerupis (Ruditapes) philippinarum

               Key identifying features
                                                                  Brief history
               The shell is formed of two valves of equal shape and
               size. Three teeth are present inside where the two
               valves are hinged. The shell is oval in outline, thick,
               and longer than high. The shell surface shows
               evident radial ribs that are more pronounced towards
               the margin, while the inside shell is smooth. The
               colour is extremely variable, usually cream, with
               irregular brown spots and/or stripes. The internal  individuals (over 2,000 per square metre) and live for
               surface of the shells is often pinkish/purplish or pale  several days out of the water, as it is tolerant of a
               yellow/brown. Adults can reach up to 5 cm in shell  wide range of salinities, oxygen concentrations and
               length.                                           temperatures.

               Field identification signs and habitat            It requires temperatures above about 12 °C to spawn
                                                                 and reproduction usually occurs from June to
               The Japanese carpet shell or Manila clam is a filter-
                                                                 September at water temperatures of 20–23 °C. Its
               feeder, generally found in estuaries and lagoons, on
                                                                 larvae spend 3–4 weeks drifting in the plankton, then
               sandy and muddy bottoms, from the surface to a few  settle to the bottom and attach by threads to rocks or
               metres’ depth. It can reach high concentrations of  shells.

               Ruditapes philippinarum. Photo: Junta de Andalucia  Ruditapes philippinarum. Photo: L.

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