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Mediterranean invasive species factsheet

          Similar species                                   Ecological impacts
          The Mediterranean shrimp Melicertus kerathurus    It may pose a threat to the native penaeid shrimp
          lacks the curved spine on the fifth walking leg in  Melicertus kerathurus as it outcompetes native
          males and its carapace is hairless. The kuruma    species for food and territory.
          shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus, differs from the
          speckled shrimp in its prominent colour pattern, with
          transverse dark bands on the first four segments of
          the abdomen.

             Melicertus kerathurus                          Marsupenaeus japonicus. Photo: A. Can -

                                                            Economic impacts

                                                            It is commercially important in Egypt, Israel,
                                                            Lebanon, Turkey and Tunisia, where is caught by
                                                            trawlers in offshore and beach seines.

                                                            Management options

                                                            No management options have yet been described.
             Marsupenaeus japonicus
                                                            Further reading
                                                            Streftaris, N. et al., 2005. Globalisation in marine
          Brief history of its introduction and             ecosystems: the story of non-indigenous marine species
          pathways                                          across European seas. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 43,
          Native to the Indo-West Pacific, the speckled shrimp
                                                            Bariche, M., 2012. Field identification guide to the living
          was first recorded in the Mediterranean (as       marine resources of the Eastern and Southern
          Penaeopsis monoceros) in Egypt in 1924, and has   Mediterranean. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery
          subsequently been found in Israel, southern Turkey,  Purposes. Rome, FAO. 610 pp.
          Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia and Italy.        Ben Hadj Hamida-Ben Abdallah, O. et al., 2009.
                                                            Reproductive biology of the speckled shrimp Metapenaeus
                                                            monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) (Decapoda: Penaeidae) in the
                                                            gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean).
                                                            Cahiers de Biologie Marine Vol. 50 No. 3 pp. 231-240.
                                                            Serpil Yilmaz, Z. Arzu B. Ozvarol and Y. Ozvarol, 2009.
                                                            Fisheries and Shrimp Economy, Some Biological Properties
                                                            of the Shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricus, 1798) in
                                                                                                              Drawings: Juan Varela
                                                            the Gulf of Antalya (Turkey). Journal of Animal and
                                                            Veterinary Advances, 8: 2530-2536.

          The native species, Melicerthus kerathurus. Photo: A.M. Arias

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