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366                                  FABIO LIBERTO ET ALII

                 A. Brancato collection, Syracuse, Italy (CB); S.  Familia CLAUSILIIDAE J.E. Gray, 1855
                 Giglio collection, Cefalù, Italy (CG); Laboratory of  Subfamilia ALOPIINAE A.J. Wagner, 1913
                 Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology, University of  Tribus MEDORINII H. Nordsieck, 1997
                 Urbino,  Italy  (LCMBU);  F.  Liberto  collection,
                 Cefalù, Italy (CL); Museo Naturalistico F. Minà  Genus Muticaria Lindholm, 1925
                 Palumbo,  Castelbuono,  Italy  (MNMP);  Museo  Type species: Clausilia scalaris L. Pfeiffer, 1850
                 Civico  di  Storia  Naturale  di    Comiso  (MSNC);
                 Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova “G.  Muticaria  cyclopica n. sp.  (Figs. 1–13)
                 Doria”, Italy (MSNG); Museo Regionale di Ter-
                 rasini (MRT); A. Reitano collection, Tremestieri  EXAMINED MATERIAL.  Holotype:  Italy,  Sicily,
                 Etneo, Italy (CR); I. Sparacio collection, Palermo,  Siracusa, Epipoli, 37°05’20”N, 15°13’49”E, 122 m,
                 Italy (CS); R. Viviano collection, Palermo, Italy  legit A. Reitano, 5.V.2015 (MSNC n. 4537). Para-
                 (CV).                                        types:  Siracusa,  Epipoli,  Castello  di  Eurialo,
                                                              37°05'20"N, 15°13'48"E, 112 m, legit A. Reitano
                                                              and  A.  Brancato,  8.XI.2012,  5  exx  (LCMBU);
                 MATERIAL  AND METHODS                        idem, 3 shells (MSNC n. 4537); idem, 49 shells (CL
                                                              n. 16514–16562); idem, 8.XI.2012, legit A. Re-
                   All specimens were collected by sight on the  itano, 38 exx (CR); idem, 2 exx (MSNG), idem, 2
                 soil and under the rocks. Observations on ecology  exx (MNMP); idem, 37°05'20"N, 15°13'49"E, 122
                 of these organisms were made directly in the field.  m, legit A. Reitano, 5.V.2015, 6 exx, 13 shell (CL
                 Dry shells have been studied as regard size, colour,  n. 16771–16789); idem, legit A. Reitano, 6.IV.2016,
                 morphology, sculpture, aperture, plicae and lamel-  8 exx (CL n. 16798-16805); idem, legit A. Reit-
                 lae, lunella and clausilium. In order to study and  ano, 6.IV.2016, 28 exx (CS); idem, 37°05'20"N,
                 illustrate  genital  organs,  the  specimens  were  15°13'48"E, 112 m, legit A. Reitano, 6.IV.2016, 3
                 drowned in water and fixed in 75% ethanol. Re-  exx (MSNC n. 4538, 4539, 4540); idem, 8.VI.2016,
                 productive apparatus was extracted by means of  15 shells (CL n. 17293–177307).
                 scalpel, scissors and needles. Photographs were  DESCRIPTION OF HOLOTYPE. Shell sinistral, di-
                 taken with a digital camera. Height and maximum  mensions: height: 13.58 mm, maximum diameter:
                 diameter of the shell along with some parts of  4.2 mm, cylindrical-fusiform, decollate, rather ro-
                 genitalia  were  measured  (in  millimeters)  by  a  bust, light yellowish-grey in colour; external sur-
                 digital gauge. Voucher specimens were stored in  face  with  minute,  raised,  close  ribs,  40  ribs  on
                 collections listed above. Toponyms (place-names)  penultimate whorl; last whorl with robust and spa-
                 are reported following the Portale Cartografico  ced ribs; spire slowly and regularly growing, with
                 Nazionale (PCN,  4 whorls; last whorl tapering downwards, with el-
                 /PCN/), Map IGM 1:25000. Each locality and/or  evated and curved cervical keel and lower basal
                 collection site is in the original language (Italian).   keel;  suture  moderately  deep;  umbilicus  closed;
                   All the specimens were studied by a Leica MZ  square aperture, with 5 lamellae (on parietum and
                 7.5 steromicroscope. The taxonomic order and no-  columellar side) and lunella and 5 plicae (on pal-
                 menclatural arrangement follow Nordsieck (2007,  atum); on parietum, starting from suture, there are:
                 2013) and Bank (2011).                       very long parallel lamella, emerging in its anterior
                                                              portion and well prolonged inside the shell in its
                                                              posterior portion; short spiral lamella, deviating
                 RESULTS                                      from  centre  of  parietum  to  adhere  to  parallel
                                                              lamella;  (upper)  parietal  tooth-like  lamella;  on
                 SYSTEMATICS                                  columellar side there are a low columellar lamella
                                                              and an internal subcolumellar lamella; on palatum
                 Phylum MOLLUSCA Cuvier, 1795                 (Fig. 3) there is an  evident and raised lunella and,
                 Classis GASTROPODA Cuvier, 1795              starting from suture: two sutural plicae, the prin-
                 Ordo PULMONATA Cuvier in Blainville, 1814    cipal plica is robust in its posterior portion, whereas
                 Subordo STYLOMMATOPHORA A. Schmidt, 1855     its anterior portion,  fused to anterior upper palatal
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