Page 48 - Lo Cascio_2015
P. 48

576                                  PIETRO LO CASCIO

                 Figure 17. Some species from Sri Lanka described and illustrated by Saussure (1867b: plate 8, figs. 1–6): Mutilla egregia
                 (1) has been synonymized with Orientilla aureorubra (Sichel et Radoszkowski, 1870); M. humbertiana (2) is now placed
                 in the genus Wallacidia; M. soror (3) and M. bicincta (4) are now placed in the genus Trogaspidia; M. ocellata (5) is now
                 placed in the genus Smicromyrme; M. hexaops (6) has been synonymized withTrogaspidia villosa (Fabricius, 1775).
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