Page 43 - Lo Cascio_2015
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Worldwide checklist of the island mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera Mutillidae)  571

                 Figures 7–10. Dendrograms obtained by UPGMA clustering of some Australasian (Fig. 7), Sunda (Fig. 8), Japanese and
                 Nansei (Fig. 9) and Mediterranean islands/island groups (Fig. 10) according to the Jaccard index similarity matrix.

                 genera occur both on Sri Lanka (Bethsmyrmilla  assigned to Ephutomorpha could belong to other ge-
                 Krombein et Lelej, 1999; Indratilla Lelej, 1993;  nera yet undescribed. Within the W Palearctic, the
                 Kudakrumia Krombein, 1979; Serendibiella Lelej,  only insular distinctive genus is known for the Ca-
                 2005; Standfussidia Lelej, 2005) and Madagascar  nary Archipelago (LiomutillaAndré, 1907). Finally,
                 (Aureotilla  Bischoff,  1920;  Hildebrandetia  Jamaitilla Casal, 1965, described for Jamaica, has
                 Özdikmen, 2005; Pseudolophotilla Nonveiller et  been synonymized by Quintero & Cambra (2001).
                 Ćetković, 1995; Seyrigilla Krombein, 1972; Sylvo-  Conversely,  more  than  half  (55.8%)  of  the
                 tilla Viette, 1978), but should be noted that at least  species  and  subspecies  occurring  on  islands  or
                 19 Madagascan species currently ascribed to genus  island group sis endemic. SIEs are widely represen-
                 Trogaspidia Ashmead, 1899 are however belonging  ted among specific and infraspecific taxa inhabiting
                 to other genera yet undescribed (see Brothers et al.,  large or small islands, but particularly on these latter
                 2011), hence the number of endemics for this island  rate of endemism may reach very high percentage
                 is  underestimated.  Endemic  genera  inhabit  also  values,  as  consequence  of  to  their  lower  faunal
                 Sulawesi (Protrogaspidia Lelej, 1996) and New  richness. This is the case, indeed, of islands such as
                 Guinea  and  its  adjacent  islands  (Ascetotilla  Fuerteventura, Príncipe, Leyte, South Andaman,
                 Brothers, 1971) (Fig. 11), although Brothers (2012)  Sumba,  Espiritu  Santo,  Makira,  Dominica,  St.
                 stated that some species occurring on this latter and  Croix, or archipelagoes such as New Caledonia and
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