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Worldwide checklist of the island mutillid wasps (Hymenoptera Mutillidae)  533

                 viet (Lelej, 1995) and Glossotilla illudens Invrea,  1939); Krombeinidia unifasciata (Smith, 1855),
                 1941 are known only for Dang Kho (Vietnam) and  whose record for Sulawesi (Smith, 1858; see also
                 Koyaama (Somalia), respectively, but it is unlikely  Smith & Wallace, 1873) is doubtful (Lelej, 2005);
                 that  are  really  endemic  of  these  small  coastal  Mutilla marginata Baer, 1848, recorded for Sicily
                 islands and their distribution range probably in-  by  André  (1899-1903)  but  not  confirmed  by
                 cludes neighboring continental areas. Conversely,  Turrisi (1999); Myrmosa macrocephala Olivier,
                 Smicromyrme mauromoustakisi Invrea, 1940 from  1811, described from Java, which belongs to the
                 Cyprus is treated as endemic, because a record for  family Tiphiidae (see Lelej, 2005); Odontomutilla
                 Palestine (Invrea, 1965) should be referred to an  urania (Smith,  1857),  whose  terra  typica  is
                 yet undescribed species (P. Lo Cascio, unpubl.  Melaka  (Peninsular  Malaysia)  and  not  Borneo
                 data).  Also,  Wallacidia  vicina (Sichel  et  Ra-  (Lelej,  2005);  Petersenidia  gribodoi (Magretti,
                 doszkowski, 1870) is considered endemic of some  1892), whose records for Sumatra and New Gui-
                 Australasian islands because a record for India  nea  (Mantero, 1900) are due to erroneous identi-
                 given by André (1894) was not confirmed by Lelej  fications (Mickel, 1935); Petersenidia subanalis
                 (2005).                                      (Magretti,  1892),  Trogaspidia  aulica (Smith,
                                                              1855), T. pilosella (Magretti, 1892), T. fortinata
                 Species and records excluded from the checklist  (Cameron, 1899), and T. pulchriceps (Cameron,
                                                              1892), whose records for Sri Lanka (André, 1903a,
                   Records  of  Mutillidae  have  been  taken  into  1907a; Bingham, 1897; Wickwar, 1908) have not
                 account in the checklist when identified at least at  been verified by Lelej (2005) and need to be con-
                 generic rank and excluding those as: the “velvet  firmed; Physetopoda discreta (Cameron, 1897),
                 ants”  mentioned  by  Weiskittle  (2004)  for  Pea  whose record for Philippines (Bingham, 1897) is
                 Island  (35.42N,  075.30W;  code:  US;  surface:  doubtful (Lelej, 2005); Sinotilla decora (Smith,
                 127.5 Km ; max elevation: 10 m a.s.l.; isolation:  1879), whose record for Java (Zavattari, 1913a) is
                 10); an unspecified number of mutillids found on  doubtful (Lelej, 2005); Trogaspidia analis (Lepe-
                 Coiba Island (7.28N, 081.46W; PA; 503.0; 425;  letier, 1845), whose records for Sri Lanka, Borneo,
                 20) reported by Nieves-Aldrey & Fontal-Cazalla  Sumatra,  Bali,  Sulawesi,  Sumbawa,  Ambon,
                 (1997); one unidentified morphospecies recorded  Halmahera, Morotai, Ternate and Taiwan (André,
                 byElliot & Elliot (1984) for Cat Island (24.24N,  1907a; Zavattari, 1913b; Pagliano, 2005) have not
                 075.31W; BS; 386.5; 122; 50); two unidentified  been  confirmed  by  Mickel  (1935)  and  Lelej
                 morphospecies recorded by Pizarro-Araya et al.  (2005);  Trogaspidia  catanensis  (Rossi,  1794),
                 (2014) for Chañaral Island (29.01S, 071.34W; CL;  whose record for Zanzibar (Zavattari, 1910a) must
                 5.0; 145; 10); twenty-four (according to Callan  be  certainly  referred  to  another  species;  Tro-
                 et  al.,  2011)  or  even  twenty-five  unidentified  gaspidia floralis (Klug, 1829), whose record for
                 morphospecies  (according  to  Zanzibar  (Bischoff,  1920-1921)  is  due  to  erro-
                 80/barrow-island/)  found  during  recent  faunal  neous  identification  (Nonveiller  &  Petersen,
                 investigations on Barrow Island (20.47S, 115.24E;  1995); Trogaspidia rubripes (André, 1901), recor-
                 AU; 234.0; 64; 10).                          ded for Cyprus and supposed to be the opposite
                   From the checklist have also been excluded:  sex of Neotrogaspidia hammeri (Suárez, 1959) by
                 Dasylabris  lybica (Invrea,  1940),  recorded  for  Suárez  (1959b),  but  recently  treated  as  valid
                 Malta  in  the  list  of  ZMUC  collections  (see  species  by  Lelej  (2002),  who  however  has  ex-
          cluded this island from its distribution range; Tro-
                 Hymenoptera), whose occurrence needs to be con-  gaspidia  repraesentans (Smith, 1855), erroneously
                 firmed; Ephutomorpha gaudens Zavattari, 1913,  recorded by Smith & Wallace (1873) and Zavattari
                 described  for  New  Guinea  but  successively  (1913b) for Borneo and Java, respectively (Mickel,
                 neglected  by  Mickel  (1935),  whose  taxonomic  1935; Lelej, 2005); Wallacidia sexmaculata (Swe-
                 value needs hence to be clarified; Hoplomutilla  derus,  1787)  recorded  by  Lepeletier  de  Saint-
                 gabbii (Blake, 1879), whose old records for Ja-  Fargeau (1845) for Java from a specimen kept in
                 maica are due to the erroneous label of a specimen  the  Spinola’s  collection  (Regional  Museum  of
                 kept in the British Museum collections (Mickel,  Natural Sciences, Turin) doubtfully identified as
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