Page 6 - Lo Cascio_2015
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534                                  PIETRO LO CASCIO

                 Mutilla fuscipennis Fabricius, 1804, but not con-  Nonveiller (1990), as the same island is inhabited
                 firmed by Lelej (2005; see also Pagliano, 2005).  by the nominal subspecies; Trogaspidia rhea rhea
                   Furthermore,  from  the  distribution  of  some  (Mickel,  1933)  for  “Japan”  by  Mickel  (1933)
                 species included in the checklist have been omit-  without further information; Trogaspidia subin-
                 ted  the  following  doubtful  records:  Blakeius  trans (Sichel et Radoszkowski, 1870) for Taiwan
                 bipunctatus (Latreille, 1792) for Cyprus by André  by  Zavattari  (1913a),  not  confirmed  by  Lelej
                 (1899-1903), not confirmed by Invrea (1940) and  (2005), as well as those for Timor (Sichel & Ra-
                 Hammer  (1950);  Dasylabris  maura  carinulata  doszkowski,  1869-1870),  Sumatra  and  Borneo
                 (Dalla  Torre,  1897)  for  Rhodes  by  Pagliano  (Zavattari, 1913b),  although  not  mentioned by
                 (2005), which need to be confirmed; “Ephuto-  Lelej (2005), need to be confirmed; Wallacidia
                 morpha”  australasiae  (Fabricius,  1804)  and  merops (Smith, 1860), for New Guinea by André
                 “Ephutomorpha”  fausta (Smith,  1863),  given  (1896a) and Mantero (1900), that according to
                 respectively  for  New  Britain  and  New  Guinea  O’Toole (1975) are due to erroneous identifica-
                 by André (1898), which need to be confirmed;  tions; Wallacidia oculata (Fabricius, 1804) for
                 Krombeinella  thoracica (Fabricius,  1793)  for  Bali,  Flores,  Sumba  and  Palawan  by  Zavattari
                 Sicily by several authors, not confirmed by Suá-  (1913b),  need  to  be  confirmed;  Yamanetilla
                 rez (1988); Myrmilla mutica (André, 1903) for  taiwaniana  (Zavattari,  1913)  for  “Japan”  in
                 Cyprus  by  Bogusch  (2006),  not  confirmed  by  the  ZMUC  material  (
                 Ljubomirov (2011); Mutilla europaea Linnaeus,  collections-databaser/  Hymenoptera)  without
                 1758 for Sardinia by Costa (1887), not confirmed  further information.
                 by Arnone & Romano (1998); the same for the     On the contrary, the checklist includes a record
                 “Inner Hebrides” and “Outer Hebrides” without  of Myrmosa unicolor Say, 1824 given by Bradley
                 further information, respectively by the Scottish  (1917) for High Island (Outer Banks, Virginia, US);
                 Aculeate  List  (www.  this  latter  belongs  to  a  group  of  barrier  islands
                 html) and the Outer Hebrides Biological Recor-  whose number changes through time due to dy-
                 ding (; Myrmilla erythro-  namic processes or violent storms and its name has
                 cephala (Latreille, 1792) for Kerkyra, not confirmed  not  been  localized  in  the  recent  maps,  thus  the
                 by Ljubomirov (2011); Myrmilla lezginica (Ra-  island is not listed in Table 1.
                 doszkowski, 1885) for “Cyclades” without further  Although often the toponym “Cayenne” was used
                 information by André (1899-1903); Physetopoda  in past to indicate also continental areas of French
                 halensis (Fabricius, 1787) for Lampedusa by Pagliano  Guiana, data given by Spinola (1841) have been
                 (2003), that has been successively referred to an-  included in the checklist because the author refers
                 other species (see Pagliano, 2011); Physetopoda  explicitly to specimens collected by Leprieur “dans
                 pusilla (Klug, 1835)  and P. scutellaris (Latreille,  les régions inexplorées de cette île” (see Spinola,
                 1792)  for  Cyprus,  respectively,  by  Bischoff  1840). For the same reason, the checklist takes into
                 (1933) and Invrea (1940) and by Hammer (1950),  account also the data given by Lepeletier de Saint-
                 which need to be confirmed; Platymyrmilla quinque-  Fargeau (1845) concerning this estuarine island.
                 fasciata (Olivier, 1811) for Sicily by Pagliano &  A  separate  discussion  concerns  Myrmilla  re-
                 Strumia (2007) on the basis of a doubtful record  unionis described by Zavattari (1909), that accord-
                 from  Spinola’s  collection  (see  also  Pagliano,  ing  to  Brothers  et  al.  (2011)  is  likely  not  from
                 2005); Ronisia ghilianii (Spinola, 1843) for Cyprus  Reunion Island. Pagliano (2005) has reported two
                 by Hammer (1950), which need to be confirmed;  specimens kept in the Spinola’s collection labelled
                 Smicromyrme rufipes (Fabricius, 1878) for Malta  as “Mutilla doueyi” (a female) and “Mutilla douei”
                 by  Pagliano  (2005)  and  Pagliano  &  Strumia  (a male) and indicated to be from “Isola di Bour-
                 (2007),  which  need  to  be  confirmed;  Smi-  bon” (the former name of Reunion) without further
                 cromyrme  vladani Nonveiller,  1972  for  Malta,  information; the female was sent in loan in 1999 to
                 given  in  the  list  of  ZMUC  collections  (see  Guido  Nonveiller  and  probably  has  been  lost.
           Waiting for a confirmation of the occurrence of
                 /Hymenoptera), that should be confirmed; Timulla  mutillids on this island, the above records have not
                 mediata  persa Mickel,  1938  for  Trinidad  by  been included in the checklist.
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