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Acknowledgments                                                                 RAVIER C. andJ-M. FROMENTIN (2001) Long-Term FlucttJations in the
                                                                                                  Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean B!uefin Tuna Popu!ation, ICES Jour-
                      I should like to thank anthropologist Serge Collet, who con-                nal ofMarine Science 58, pp. 1299-1317
                  ducted research on Favignana between 1985 and 1987 and gener-
                                                                                                  ROESTI R. M.  1966, The Declining Economie Role o/ the Mediterranean
                  ously  shared  his  knowledge  of the  mattanza  with  me.  He  also
                                                                                                  Tuna Fishery, AmericanJournal ofEconomics and Sociology 25, pp.
                  translated several documents in Italian. I am also grateful to Davi dJ.
                  Hope, who provided transcriptions of the interviews conducted for
                  his documentary Tonnara (2002).                                                 ROSENBLUM M. 2004, World Appetite/or TtJna Threatens Supp!y. Asso-
                                                                                                  ciateci Press report, 19 July, 2004.

                  References                                                                     SINGER P.  (dir.)  1997, L'Ultima Tonnara-Matanza? Documentary.
                                                                                                 Traditional Healing Productions.
                  BLOCK B. A. et al. 200 l, Migratory Movements,  Depth Preferences, and
                  Therma! Biology of Atlantic Blue/in Tuna, Science Magazine 293, pp.            SINGER P.  1999, The Tonnara- Mattanza and CulttJral Identity in Fav-
                  1310-1314.                                                                      ignana, Insula: InternationalJournal oflsland Affairs 8, pp. 63-67.
                  BRIGGS C. l. 1996, The Politics ofDismrsive Authority in Research on the       STABILE A. and G. MARTORANA  1999, Seeschlacht, Merian 52, pp. 68-
                  'lnvention ofTradition', Culrural Anthropology 11, pp. 435-469.                 77.
                  CLIFFORD  J.  2004,  Traditional  FtJtures,  In:  M.S.  PHILLIPS  and  G.      TURNEY L.  1999, Ceci n'est pas]immie Durham, Critique of Anthro-
                  SCHOCHET (eds.), Questions ofTraditions. Toronto (forthcoming).                pology 19, pp. 423-442.
                  CoLLET S.  1987, Le baron et le poisson.  Féodalité et droit de la mer en Eu-  VrALLES N. 1994, Anima! to Edib!e. Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
                  rape occidentale, Droit et cultures 13, pp. 25-49.                             sity Press.
                  HANDLER R.  1986, AtJthenticity, Anthropology Today 2, pp. 2-4.                VIALLES N. 1998, Toute chair n'est pas viande, Etudes rurales 147/148,
                                                                                                 pp. 139-149.
                  HANDLER R. and W. SAXTON 1988, Dyssimu!ation: Reflexivity, Nar-
                  rative, and the Quest for Authenticity in 'Living History', Cultural An-
                  thropology 3, pp. 242-260.

                  HOPE D. J. (dir.) 2002, Tonnara. Documentary. Cirrus films.
                  MACCANNEL D. (1973) StagedAtJthenticity. Arrangements ofSocial Space
                  in Tourism Settings, AmericanJournal ofSociology 79, pp. 589-603

                  MAGGIO T. 2000, Mattanza. Love and Death in the Sea ofSicily. Cam-
                  bridge, Mass.: Perseus Publishers.

                  PITCHER T. J.  2001, Fisheries Managed to Rebui!d Ecosystems? Recon-
                  struaing the Past to Salvage the FtJture, Ecological Applications 11, pp.
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                  Trapani: Maurici.

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