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the fact that the tonnara equiprnent involves the use of small-scale port on Favignana's mattanza, the Italy Daily website quotes Ennio
boats, nets, anchors and gaffs explains the lack of resistance against Bonfanti of the Sicilian branch of the Lega Anti Vivisezione, who
the mattanza. Its appearance is traditional and artisanal. In addition, rnaintains: 'This exists only as a bloody performance for tourists. It's
this type of fishery has been on the wane for a long rime now. The no longer sornething done for survival or even economie rnotives.
bloody and drarnatic spectacle has only sparked a very lirnited They're not real fisherrnen. They're entertainers. It's like bull-fight-
arnount of protests, even though i t is often described as being rather ing. Nothing more than a barbarie spectacle of cruelty.' In a short
crueF Onlookers can easily observe the rirual, but this in itselfhas artide, Anna Mannunci also critiques the practice and the paying on-
not given rise to contestation on their part or frorn journalists. If any- lookers:
thing, they seern to consider bloodshed part of its 'authenticity'. In-
In the past, the slaughter was watched by many people and was
deed, the mattanza did and does attract onlookers frorn without and called a 'ritual' to make it sound a nobler, culture-specific - and
this no doubt has played a role in strengthening the identity of the therefore more acceptable phenomenon. But the idea of selling
Favignana islanders and their pride in the runa kill. tickets for the massacre upset public opinion, and anima! rights
In rnany cases, traditions rnay be cornrnodified (converted imo groups in particular. So much so that i t carne to nothing in the end.
currency) when enacted as a tourist performance, but some outsiders Killing animals, whether cows, chickens, trout, tuna, or anything
else, is considered legitimate if i t is driven by necessity. Eating ani-
are likely to clairn that by doing so they bave lost their aurhenticity.
mals is considered necessary for survival and for the financial wellbe-
To some extent, this has been the case with respect to the mattanza.
ing of those who earn money from the death of these animals.
To earn extra incarne, the tonnaroti decided in 2001 that tourists
Killing them in a visibly, publicly, bloodthirsty way like the fisher-
could buy tickets to watch the mattanza frorn boats at a rate ofUS$ men ofFavignana is somewhat less generally acceptable but in this
20 to 2 5 per person. They desperately needed the additional rev- case, as in many other similar cases, the ideology of tradition com es
enues. As one tuna fisherrnan said: 'for the tourists we represent to the rescue, excusing even the most repugnant practices. For those
rnythical characters' (quoted in Singer 1999:65). They were well who watch the 'ritual' slaughter, there are justifications: tradition,
aware that staging the performance of the tuna killing ritual would obviously, and then culture, popular and local customs, which are
more fashionable than ever in these times of globalization, and so on.
alrnost certainly attract tourists, although the tonnaroti insisted that
Such arguments serve to free those who enjoy the spectacle of this
it stili is work (Vialles 1998:147). But the owner of the vessels, Par-
cruel killing from any feelings of guilt. T m not here because I' m a
odi, cancelled the selling of tickets as he feared there would be prob-
sadist but for cultura!, and even democratic, reasons', spectators
lerns over insurances. Only later, paying tourists were taken on might tell themselves. But paying for the privilege, with ticket
private boats to watch the spectacle. stubs, taxes and ali the rest, secularizes the event, calling imo ques-
Ironically, this cornrnoditisation of the ritual not only sparked tion the symbolic and rhetorical constructs that legitimize the pleas-
controversy but also evoked resistance frorn without. 25 In a news re- ure of watching an animal's death. Enjoyment thus excites outrage. 27
24 'La mattanza è una pratica barbara' (the mattanza is a barbarie practice),
says one commentator in an exchange about the mattanza in an e-mail discus- 26
sion list. Last accessed August 18, 2004. A German Greenpeace activist describes the-
Last accessedJuly 22, 2004. Favignana tonnaroti as 'primitive people' (letter to the editor, Stern, August 3,
25 Fora brief peri od, there were two tuna fishery cooperati ves that were
vying for the quotas allocated by the Italian state. In addition to 'La Mattanza', 27 Mannunci, A. (2002) 'Ritual slaughter'.
Parodi established 'Ceri pesi' (Centro Richerche Pesca Sicilia). The two were Last ac-
united after negotiations with the Italian fishermen's association. cessed May 18, 2005.