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Hereditas 129 (1998)                mtDNA variabilitv of Iberian wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) 189

Table 1. Geographic coordinates (in centesimal degrees) and codes of the trapping localities

Locality                    Latitude Longitude No. animals Locality code                      Date M/Y

France                      42.495    3.129              6          F2                        February 93
  Banyuls/Mer*              42.432    3.100              8          F3                        May 93
  Argeles (Massane)*        43.505    6.809             4           F4                        May 94
  Esterel (Mont Vinaigre)*  43.894    6.941              2          F5                        May 94
  La Penne*                 47.266    4.094                         F6                        April 94
  Saint Brisson*            46.500  -0.046              11          F7                        October 93
  Menigoute*                42.765    0.203                         F8                        June 95
  Fabian                    42.579    2.029              2          F9                        October 95
  Bouillouses               44.372    3.533             4           FIO                       February 96
  Ispagnac                                               2

Italy                       42.260  1 1.745             26          I1                        December 92
  Tarquinia*                42.880  1 1.090              2          I2                        December 92
  Grosseto*                 38.135  15.867               4          I5                        January 94
  Gambarie*                 44.345   7.500               1          I6                        May 94

Sicily                      37.919  14.400              3           Si 1                      January 94
  Ficuzza                   37.951  13.356              3           Si2                       January 94

Portugal                    38.575  - 8.650             1           PI                        March 96
  Setubal                   38.959  -9.265              3           P2                        March 96
  Vale de Guarda

Spain                       42.784  - 7.100              2          s1                        May 95
  As Nogais                 43.635  -7.350               2          s2
                            43.257  -4.852              12          s3                        May 95
  Viveiro                   42.676                       2          s4
                            42.270    0.182              7          s5                        May 95
  Posada de Valdeon         42.351    2.981              2          S6                        May 95
  Torla                     38.703    3.127             20          s7                        April 94
                            37.081  -0.458               1
  Figueras                  39.473  -6.49 1                         S8                        April 94
  LlanCa                            -5.828               3          s9                        May 95
  Cot0 Doiiana                                                                                January 96
  Trujillo                                                                                    March 96

Baleares                    39.788               2.870  3           Ma1                       October 97
  Alamedra                  39.729               2.818  6           Ma2                       October 97
  Ibiza (3 sites)           39.958               4.154  4           Me 1                      October 97

                            38.941               1.290  10          Ibl                       May 96

* The localities with an * are the same as in MICHAUXet al. (1996) and are numbered in accordance.

animals from France and Italy were included in the isolated by electrophoresis on 4% PAA gels according

analyses to allow useful comparisons. Fig. 1 shows to TEGELSTRO(M1986) and polymorphism visualised

the geographic distribution of the sampling points by the silver staining protocol of GUILLEMETaTnEd

and Table 1 gives information about the sample size LEWIS(1983). All distinctive mtDNA restriction frag-

and the precise location of each trapping site.         ment patterns were assigned a number when pro-

Trapped animals were maintained in the laboratory duced by Rsa I or an alphabetical code when

and killed to allow the isolation of mitochondrias produced by Hue 111. In this way, each animal was

from fresh tissue (heart, spleen, liver and kidneys) by assigned an alphanumeric code. All specimens

differentiated centrifugations, according to LANSMAN sharing the same composite restriction pattern were

et al. (1981). mtDNA was then isolated and purified considered as belonging to the same mtDNA matri-

by alkaline lysis and ether-phenol extraction (PALVA lineal clone.

and PALVA1985) and finally digested with two re-        The level of similarity between two individuals was

striction enzymes: Hue I11 (GGCC) and Rsa I computed using the NEI and Lr (1979) index. A

(GTAC) (Boehringer-Mannheim or BRL). One to 3 neighbour-joining tree was constructed from the simi-

p1 mtDNA solution containing 20-40 ng DNA were larity matrix using one individual of yellow-necked

digested for 1-2 h in a 10 pl reaction volume contain- mouse ( A . Javicollis) as outgroup. The robustness of

ing one enzyme unit. The mtDNA fragments were the inferences was assessed through bootstrap analy-
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