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Hereditas 129 (1998)  mtDNA variability of Iberian wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) 193

trapped near the locus typicus of A. s. callipides reveal      Ferris SD, Sage RD, Prager EM, Ritte U and Wilson AC,
restriction patterns which are very similar to those of           (1983b). Mitochondria1 DNA evolution in mice. Genet-
other Spanish or French animals. Therefore, and                   ics 105: 681-721.
following CORBET(1 978), we propose to consider A .
s. callipides a s an invalid subspecies and to put it in       Garnery L, Cornuet JM and Solignac M, (1992). Evolu-
synonymy with the nominal one.                                    tionary history of the honey-bee Apis mellifera inferred
                                                                  from mitochondrial DNA analysis. Mol. Ecol. 1: 145-
  The restriction patterns found in the Balearic ani-             154.
mals are clearly of the ‘north-western’ type, indicat-
ing that the origin of introduced animals is the               Guilaine J, (1976). Premiers bergers et paysans de 1’0cci-
Spanish or French mainland, provided similar                      dent mediterraneen. Mouton, Paris, La Haye.
m t D N A restriction patterns are not present in north-
ern Africa. The genetic similarity observed within and         Guillemette J G and Lewis PN, (1983). Detection of sub-
                                                                  nanogram quantities of DNA and RNA on native and
between the populations of neighbouring islands as                denaturing polyacrylamide and agarose gels by silver
                                                                  staining. Electrophoresis 4: 92-94.
well as their grouping in a separate branch of the
cladogram suggests a small founder population.                 Lansman RA, Sade RO, Shapira J F and Avise JC, (1981).
                                                                  The use of restriction endonucleases to measure mito-
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                  chondrial DNA sequence relatedness in natural popula-
                                                                  tions. 111 Techniques and potential applications. J. Mol.
This research has been supported by an IRSIA-FRIA                 Evol. 17: 214-226.
fellowship to the first author, by grants of the FNRS
covering field collects in Spain and by a FRFC grant (no       Michaux JR, (1996). Biogeographie du mulot sylvestre
2.4547.89). For their help in trapping or in keeping the          (Apodemus sylvaticus) dans le bassin mediterraneen oc-
animals in captivity, we are grateful to J.P. Clara, R. Fons,     cidental: etude genetique de I’origine des peuplements et
C. Hallet, Th. Kervyn, S. Kinet, S. Mas-Coma,                     microevolution en milieu insulaire. Ph.D. Zoological
M.L.Mathias, J. Ninane F. Ronveaux, M. Santos-Reis, and           Institute, University of Liege, Liege (Belgium).
D. Sirugue. We are particularly indebted to R. F. Matagne
for his invaluable logistic help. Thanks are also due to A.    Michaux JR, Filippucci MG, Libois RM, Fons R and
Haidon for her help in the revision of the English language       Matagne RF, (1996). Biogeography and taxonomy of
and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments.            Apodemus sylvaticus (the woodmouse) in the Tyrrhe-
                                                                  nian region: enzymatic variations and mitochondrial
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