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176 V. Maccarrone et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 14: 173-181 (2014)

Commission for the protection of fishing gear from                                 ____________ ______
attack by wild predators (Regulation CE N.
1198/2006, Article 25, paragraph e). The EFF allows              ED  PPUEInt  hour days freqint ,
companies to buy tools and fishing equipment using a
variable advantage scheme depending on the region                                   ____________
and the EFF objectives. In Italy, particularly in Sicily,
pingers can be purchased from fishing companies                 where PPUEInt is the average of the
with an EFF aid equal to 50% of the product cost.
Then, the ROI with the EFF incentives in Sicily            differences between the PPUE of the pinger net
correspond to half of the difference of ROI calculated     subtracted by the PPUE of the control net only for the
in the absence of the incentive.                           day of the interaction with dolphins and only for the

Economic Damage                                                                         ______

      We calculated the Economic Damage (ED) due           target species, hour (2.41 h) is the mean fishing
to dolphin depredation activities using the method
reported in other similar studies (Brotons et al. 2008c;   time per haul, days (n = 80) is the number of fishing
Bearzi et al., 2011; Gönener et al., 2012; Lauriano et     days per year in which this fishing gear is used, and
al., 2004). To obtain this indirect estimate of the loss
of fish due to the presence of dolphins during the          freqint (0.38) is the interaction ratio between
fishing season, we compared the different PPUE (kg €
m-1 h-1) between the pinger net and the control net for    dolphins and the fishing gear.
only the seven target species that are mainly caught             For this calculations, the market price and the
and sold and that represent 85% of the economic
value of the caught species (Table 2).                     seasonal economic loss of the caught species was
                                                           evaluated for seven of the most caught species, as
      The formula below allowed us to determine the        reported by Buscaino et al. (2009): 10 €/kg for Boops
ED caused by dolphins:                                     boops, 10 €/kg for Sardinella aurita, 10 €/kg for
                                                           Trachurus trachurus, 10 €/kg for Pagellus acarne, 15
                                                           €/kg for Scomber scomber, 15 €/kg for Spicara
                                                           maena, and 10 €/kg for Symphodus roissali.

                                                           Economic Evaluation of the Fishing Gear Damage

                                                                 To quantitatively and economically verify the
                                                           damage suffered by the two different types of net over
                                                           29 fishing days, measurements of the surfaces of the

Table 2. Caught fish species and economic parameters evaluated for the pinger and control nets

                             Pinger Net 29 hauls                                Control Net 29 hauls

Species                kg    kg/h   €                        PPUE         kg    kg/h            €          PPUE
                                                           kg € h-1m-1                                   kg € h-1m-1
Boops boops          113.13                                             83.15
Sardinella aurita    64.83   1.714 1.131.30                0.945        54.69   1.124 831.47             0.620
Trachurus trachurus  35.05                                              25.69
Pagellus erythrinus  11.59   0.982 648.33                  0.542        20.50   0.739 546.93             0.408
Pagellus acarne      14.95                                              12.02
Scomber scomber      15.59   0.531 350.52                  0.293        11.34   0.347 256.94             0.192
Spicara maena        12.25                                               9.16
Symphodus roissali   12.85   0.176 115.94                  0.097         8.99   0.277 204.98             0.153
Mullus surmuletus     6.17                                               8.73
Spicar asmaris        3.28   0.227 149.53                  0.125         7.21   0.162 120.23             0.090
Serranus scriba       4.83                                               6.34
Trachinus araneus     5.23   0.236 233.88                  0.195         4.68   0.153 170.06             0.127
Uranoscopus scaber    0.69                                               4.55
Sarda sarda           4.39   0.186 183.72                  0.154         3.76   0.124 137.45             0.102
Aspitrigla cuculus    2.50                                               3.05
Synodus saurus        1.79   0.195 128.46                  0.107         1.98   0.122 89.92              0.067
lastoviza             0.29   0.093 123.42                  0.103         1.12   0.118 174.62             0.130
Diplodus anularis
Diplodus vulgaris     0.38   0.050 65.60                   0.055         0.92   0.097 144.20             0.108
Chelidonichthys       0.38                                               0.92
lucernus                     0.073 48.30                   0.040                0.086 63.36              0.047
Serranus cabrilla     0.35                                               0.37
Xyrichtys novacula           0.079 52.31                   0.044                0.063 46.84              0.035
Scorpaena scrofa      0.17                                               0.32
Coris julis           0.03   0.011 6.94                    0.006         0.29   0.061 45.47              0.034
Scorpaena porcus      1.14                                               0.24
Zeus faber            0.42   0.067 43.91                   0.037         0.23   0.051 37.62              0.028
TOTAL                 0.39                                               0.14
                      4.95   0.038 49.94                   0.042         0.00   0.041 60.92              0.045
                     317.6                                              270.40
                             0.027 17.87                   0.015                0.027 19.82              0.015

                             0.004 2.88                    0.002                0.015 11.16              0.008

                             0.006  3.75                   0.003                0.012           9.23     0.007
                             0.006  3.75                   0.003                0.012           9.23     0.007

                             0.005 3.45                    0.003                0.005           3.66     0.003

                             0.003    1.74                 0.001                0.004             3.24   0.002
                             0.001    0.34                 0.000                0.004             2.87   0.002
                             0.017   11.37                 0.010                0.003             2.41   0.002
                             0.006    4.18                 0.003                0.003             2.32   0.002
                             0.006    3.88                 0.003                0.002             1.41   0.001
                             0.075   49.51                 0.041                0.0000            0.00   0.000

                              4.8   3434.82                2.870                  3.7           2996.35  2.234
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