Page 27 - Matthias_Stöck_&_c_2013
P. 27

Additional file 3

                   Biogeographic comments on green toads on Circum-Sicilian islands

                   Green toads have been detected on the circum-Sicilian islands of Lipari, Salina, Ustica,

                   Favignana, and Marettimo, and are known to have been introduced on Vulcano and Isola Grande

                   dello Stagnone, but are probably not naturalized [41, 105, 106, 107]. A new report of a possible

                   introduction on Pantellaria Island, of unknown origin, has been made [108]. No tissue sample for

                   DNA analyses was collected, so the origin cannot be determined at this time. Gasc et al. [109]

                   mapped green toads on Malta “after 1970”. However, Savona Ventura (in litt.) reported that

                   exclusively Pleistocene fossils have been found on Malta [110], perhaps from a colonization

                   event out of Sicily during low sea levels, since the submarine plateau between Malta and Sicily is

                   shallower than –95 m.

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