Page 2 - Mical_Nofroni_2004
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P. Micali, I. Nofroni
Superfamily PYRAMIDELLOIDEA and slightly umbilicated. The protoconch of C. penchynati has a
family PYRAMIDELLIDAE width of 260 µm, while in C. interstincta it measures about 300
µm. In the lectotype of C. interstincta figured by WARÉN (1991),
subfamily Chrysallidinae the protoconch diameter is estimated to be about 300 µm, and
this is the normal dimension for Mediterranean specimens. FRET-
Chrysallida penchynati (B.D.D., 1883) TER et al. (1986) indicate a diameter of 200-250 µm for specimens
from Kattegat (between Denmark and Sweden), while in PEÑAS &
Material examined ROLAN (1998) a specimen from Ghana is figured whose proto-
Type material: the lectotype here selected (MNHN, not fig- conch diameter is estimated to be about 350 µm.
ured); two possible syntypes (ZMR nos. 23842, 23873).
Other material: Camogli (Genova), -42 m, 2 shs. (PMC); Por- Chrysallida rinaldii n. sp.
tovenere (La Spezia), -15/25 m, 5 shs. (INC and PMC); Mad-
dalena Island (Sardinia), -80 m, 1 sh. (INC); Giannutri Island Type material
(Tuscan Archipelago), -47 m, 43 shs. (INC); Giglio Island (Tus- Holotype (height mm 1.27): it is deposited in the malacological
can Archipelago), -27 m, 11 shs. (INC); Is. Ventotene (Lazio) - collection of the ZMR.
32 m, 1 sh. (PMC); Gulf of Naples -80 m, 5 shs. (PMC); Isola Paratypes: 1 sh. from type locality (MNHN); 1 sh. from type
Bella (Mazzarò, Messina) –32 m, 14 shs. (PMC); Capo Zafferano locality (NHML); 1 sh. from type locality (SMNH); 20 shs.
(Palermo), -35 m, 2 shs. (INC). from type locality (1 sh. PMC, 17 shs. INC, 1 sh. APC, 1 sh.
GBC); 17 shs. from the Sicily Channel -70/150 m, maximum
Remarks height 2.0 mm (12 shs. GTC, 4 shs. PMC, 1 sh. FSC); 12 shs.
AARTSEN (1977) examined some samples of C. penchynati in from Capraia Island (Tuscan Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea) -150
Dautzenberg’s collection (Brussels) and stated: “I am inclined to think m, maximum height 1.37 mm (5 shs. ERC, 5 shs. PMC, 1 sh.
that this is no more than a form of C. obtusa (Brown), which is a very vari- INC, 1 sh. PQC); 1 sh. from Gulf of Naples -180 m, height
able species”. This opinion was shared by SABELLI et al. (1990), while 1.25 mm (PMC); 1 sh. from Gulf of Naples, Banco di mezzo,
other Authors like LINDEN & EIKENBOOM (1992) and PEÑAS, TEMPLA- Stn. B52, -134 m (GFC); 1 sh. from Nerano (SA), – 50/55 m
DO & MARTINEZ (1996) considered C. penchynati as a valid species. (GFC); 1 sh. from Central Adriatic Sea, - 90 m, height 1.37
A syntype from Port Vendres (France) is stored in the MNHN mm (PMC).
with two labels handwritten by Philippe Dautzenberg. A third
label, added more recently, bears the note “SYNTYPE Fig.”. This Type locality and distribution
specimen fits exactly the original description and drawing, and Type locality is designed Marettimo Island (Egadi Islands, Sicily,
interpretation of this species given by LINDEN & EIKENBOOM Italy). Shells have been found in samples of bioclastic sands collected
(1992) and PEÑAS, TEMPLADO & MARTINEZ (1996). at a depth of about 80-100 m. The new species appears widely dis-
In the Monterosato collection (ZMR) there are two vials, each tributed along the Italian coasts at a depth greater than 50 m.
containing a single specimen. Both vials have original handwrit-
ten label by Dautzenberg. One of these possible syntypes (n° Derivatio nominis
23842) is certainly conspecific with the syntype preserved at This species is named after Emidio Rinaldi (Forlì) in apprecia-
MNHN and there are no doubts on its identification. The second tion of his studies on the Adriatic malacofauna.
specimen (n° 23873) was described and figured by GAGLINI
(1992) who considered it as a juvenile of C. interstincta and we Description
agree on this interpretation. The shell is of small size, pupoid and glossy. The protoconch is
Since the original material consists of two distinct species we con- smooth, heterostrophic, with about 1.25 whorls, immerged in the
sider it is opportune to select a lectotype to define the species teleoconch with an angle of about 135°. The protoconch diameter
identity. Therefore we designate the syntype stored in the measures about 300 µm. The teleoconch has about 3 whorls,
MNHN as the lectotype and Port Vendres (near Perpignan, rather convex, separated by deep sutures, undulated by the mar-
Southern France) as the type locality. gin of the costae. On the last whorl there are 22 to 32 costae,
Chrysallida penchynati is similar to C. interstincta, but differs in larger than the interspaces, slightly prosocline, straight or gently
some main morphological features. In C. penchynati the suture is curved. In the interstices of the upper whorls there is a spiral
incised, gradated, so that the profile appears turriculate and no ridge positioned just above the abapical suture, visible within the
whorl is wider than the start of the successive (as is found in some interspaces. The last whorl shows two spiral ridges, one at the
forms, mainly juveniles, of C. interstincta). The periphery is round- suture and one just above. Costae extend over the base, where
ed, while in specimens of C. interstincta of the same size the periph- they became flattened, thinner and closer. At high magnification
ery is angulated, an indication that they are immature specimens. a spiral striature may be observed in the interspaces.
Chrysallida penchynati has a columellar plica while C. interstincta The last whorl occupies about 54% of the shell height and the
has a columellar tooth. In C. penchynati the costae extend over the aperture about 38%. The aperture is ear-shaped. The outer lip aris-
base, while in C. interstincta they stop at the periphery. es at the lower spiral ridge almost perpendicular to surface, then
The protoconch of C. penchynati is elevated, rounded and with- straightens to continue the profile of the spire. Below it is regularly
out any sign of ombelicus, while in C. interstincta it is almost flat
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