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P. Micali, I. Nofroni
- the costae are slightly shouldered at the adapical suture; AMATI B., 1986. Sulla paternità di Chrysallida sigmoidea (Gastropoda; Pyramidell-
- the costae are orthocline, less numerous (20-22 on the last whorl) idae). Notiziario CISMA, Roma, 7/8: 64-66.
and extend over the base;
- the spiral ridges are more distant and the interspaces do not have BUCQUOY E., DAUTZENBERG P. & DOLLFUS G., 1882-1886. Les mollusques marins du
spiral striae. Roussillon. Paris, 1(1882-1886): 570pp., 66 pl.; 2 (1887-1898):
Another species to compare with C. rinaldii is C. multicostata (Jef- 884pp., 99 pl.
freys, 1884). Type material of C. multicostata has not been found in
Jeffreys’s collection (Warén 1980: 38). Aartsen et al. (2000: 29, BUZZURRO G. & NOFRONI I., 1995. Sull’identità di Pyrgulina pirinthella Melvill,
30; fig. 34) designated as neotype a shell from Ria de Arousa (N 1910 (Heterobranchia: Heterostropha). Notiziario CISMA, Roma, 16
of Vigo, Spain). This locality is not very far from Cabo de Sagres (1994): 41-43.
(West of Lagos, Portugal), which is the original type locality.
We report the presence of this species in the Alboran Sea for the FRETTER W., GRAHAM A. & ANDREWS E., 1986. The Prosobranch Molluscs of
first time, based on 1 sh. (1.5 mm) collected between Estepona Britain and Denmark. Part 9. – Pyramidellacea. Journal of Molluscan
(Spain) and Tetuan (Maroc), -25/35 m (INC) and 1 sh. (1.9 mm) Studies, London, Suppl. 16: 555-649.
from Calaburras (Malaga, Spain) at undetermined depth (INC). A
shell from West Sahara, - 35 m depth (3.6 mm length) is here fig- GAGLINI A., 1992. Terze spigolature. Monterosatiane. Argonauta, Roma, 7(1991):
ured for comparison. 125-180.
According to the previous and the new records this species seems to
be distributed from Mauritania to northern Spain, with the Mediter- INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION OF ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE, 1999. International
ranean presence limited to the Alboran Sea. Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition. London, XXIX + 306 pp.
Chrysallida multicostata differs from C. interstincta due to its larger size
(up to 3 mm), more broadly conical form and higher number (30/40) JEFFREYS J. G., 1884. On the Mollusca procured during the “Lightning” and
of ribs, which are opisthocline and flexuous (reversed-S shaped). In “Porcupine” Expeditions, 1868-1870. VIII. Proceedings of the Zoological
very fresh specimens the shell surface is slightly iridescent. All these Society of London, London, 341-372.
characteristics also differentiate C. multicostata from C. rinaldii.
LINDEN J. VAN DER & EIKENBOOM J. C. A., 1992. On the taxonomy of the recent
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS species of the genus Chrysallida Carpenter from Europe, the Canary Island
and the Azores (Gastropoda, Pyramidellidae). Basteria, Leiden, 56: 3-63.
We are grateful to Virginie Heros (MNHN) and Vincenzo
Vomero (ZMR) for the study of type material of Chrysallida MICALI P., NOFRONI I.& AARTSEN J.J. VAN, 1993. Addition to the knowledge of
penchynati, to Marco Oliverio for the SEM photographs, and to the European Chrysallida species, with notes on a recent work by Van
all our friends who made available their material. der Linden & Eikenboom (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia). Basteria, Lei-
den, 57(4-6): 147-154.
NOFRONI I. & SCHANDER C., 1994. Description of three new species of Pyramidel-
lidae (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) from West Africa. Notiziario CIS-
MA, Roma, 15(1993): 1-10.
REFERENCES NOFRONI I. & TRINGALI L., 1995. Random notes on Eastern Atlantic, Mediter-
ranean and Lessepsian Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda, Pyramidelloidea).
AARTSEN J. J. VAN, 1977. European Pyramidellidae: 1. Chrysallida. Conchiglie, Notiziario CISMA, Roma, 17: 21-49.
Milano, 13(3-4): 49-64.
AARTSEN J. J. VAN & CARROZZA F., 1979. Chrysallida fischeri (Hornung & Mer- PEÑAS A., TEMPLADO J. & MARTÍNEZ J. L., 1996. Contribucíon al conocimiento de
mod, 1925): a Red Sea species found at the Israeli Mediterranean coast. los Pyramidelloidea (Gastropoda: Heterostropha) del Mediterráneo
Bollettino Malacologico, Milano, 15(1-2): 29-30. español. Iberus, Gijón, 14(1):1-82.
AARTSEN J.J. VAN & CARROZZA F., 1983. Two more Red Sea species recorded for SABELLI B., GIANNUZZI-SAVELLI R. & BEDULLI D., 1990. Catalogo annotato dei
the first ytime from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Bollettino Malaco- Molluschi Marini del Mediterraneo. Vol. 1. Libreria Naturalistica Bolog-
logico, Milano, 19(1-4): 37-40. nese, Bologna, 348 pp.
AARTSEN J. J. VAN, BARASH. A. & CARROZZA F., 1989. Addition to the knowl- SCHANDER C., 1994. Twenty-eight new species of Pyramidellidae (Gastropoda,
edge of the Mediterranean mollusca of Israel and Sinai. Bollettino Mala- Heterobranchia) from West Africa. Notiziario CISMA, Roma,
cologico, Milano, 25(1-4): 63-76. 15(1993): 11-78.
AARTSEN J. J. VAN & GIANNUZZI-SAVELLI R., 1991. New names for well-known WARÉN A., 1980. Marine Mollusca described by John Gwyn Jeffreys, with the
European Marine Mollusca. Bollettino Malacologico, Milano, 27(1-4): 1-8. location of the type material. Conchological Society of Great Britain and
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AARTSEN J. J. VAN, GITTENBERGER E. & GOUD J., 2000. Pyramidellidae (Mollus-
ca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) collected during the Dutch CANCAP WARÉN A., 1991. New and little known mollusca from Iceland and Scandinavia.
and MAURITANIA expeditions in the south-eastern part of the North Sarsia, Bergen, 76: 53-124.
Atlantic Ocean (part 2). Zoolgische Verhandelingen, Leiden, 74(1): 1-50.
WARÉN A., 1993. New and little known mollusca from Iceland and Scandi-
AARTSEN J. J. VAN & MENKHORST H. P. M. G., 1996. Nordsieck’s Pyramidellidae navia. Part 2. Sarsia, Bergen, 78: 159-201.
(Gastropoda Prosobranchia): a revision of the types. Part 1: The genera
Chrysallida, Ondina (s. n. Evalea) and Menestho. Basteria, Leiden, 60: 45-56. Lavoro accettato il 12 dicembre 2002
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