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Comp.  Biochem.  Physiol.  Vol.  99B,  No.3, pp.  719-122,  !991    0305-0491 /91  SJ.OO + 0.00
                 Printed in Great  Britain                                          ::Q  199 l  Pergamon Press pie

                                    BETWEEN  MULLUS  BARBATUS  AND
                               MULLUS  SURMULETUS  (PISCES,  MULLIDAE)

                                       M. CAMMARATA,  N. PARRINELLO  and  M. ARCULEO*
                            Institute  of Zoology,  University of Palermo,  Via  Archirafi  18,  90123  Palermo,  ltaly;  and
                       *Institute of Zootechnics. University of Reggio Calabria. P.zza S.  Francesco 7, 89061  Gallina (RC),  ltaly

                                                  (Receired 8  Jcmuary  1991)
                       Abstract-1.  The  electrophoretic  data  from  seven  en7.ymatic  systems,  cod ifying  for  20  loci,  and  the
                       patterns of generai proteins from some tissues of ,),fullus harhcnus and M1dlus  surmulelus were examined.
                        2.  The value of the genetic distance index as per Nei is  0.068,  this criterium showing a  high  similarity
          j            between  lhe  two  species.
                        3.  Species-specific patterns were  found  for  the  SOD enzyme  and  generai  protcins  of the m uscle.

                               INTRODUCTION                 E/ectrophorcsis
                                                             Polyacrylamide  gel  electrophoresis  (PAGE)  was  carried
                 The two species  J'l4ullus  barbatus and  Mullus surmu-
                                                            out  as  described  by  Davis  ( 1964).  The  samp!e,  1-5 111  in
                 letus  from  the  whole  Meditcrrancan  basin  havc   100111  sample-buffer,  was  deposi led  into  each  well  of thc
                 been investigated with regard to reproduction, ethol-  spacer slab gel { 16  x  16 cm,  2 mm  thick) and venically  run
                 ogy and growth (Scaccini, 1947; Bougis, 1952; Gharbi   al  a  constant  currenl of 40 mA.
                 and Ktari,  1981; Arculeo et al.,  1989). I-Iowever, little   After migration, lhc gel slab was stained with Coomassie
                 information  concerning  their  structure  and  genetic   Brillianl  Blue  for generai  protcin  pattern, unless  otherwise
                                                            indicatcd. Thc rari o frontis (Rrl of cach band was calculaled
                 variability  is  at  present  available  (Basaglia  and
                                                            by  u sing  bromophenol  blue  as  marker.
                 Callegarini,  1988;  Cammarata  el u/.,  199 1 ).
                   A  high  degree  of intraspecifìc  variability,  particu-  Homoge11ate  preparation
                 Jarly  enhanced  among  the  juvenilia,  as  measured
                                                             Tissues  from  liver,  heart,  musclc,  gonads  and  eye  were
                 thro ug h  biometrie  parameters,  renders  classifi.cation   homogenized  in  one  volume  of  NaCI  l M  at  D'C.  T he
                 a  difficult task to perform (Castelnuovo,  1936;  Bougis,   extracts were centrifuged  a t 6000 .r:  a t 4"' C  for  30 mi n  alter
                 1952), even though the  two species differ fo r  habitat,   wbich the supernatant was papcr-filtercd lo remove the lipid
                 patlern  of  growth  and  morphological  characters   layer.  The  filtrate  was storcd  at  - 75"C.
                 (Tortonese,  1975).
                                                            Gel swining for  isoenzymes
                   Analysis of genetic variation, as carried  out on  an
                                                             The  staining solutions  utili7.ed  lo  visualize  each enzymc
                 adequate number of loci  by electrophoresis. is a  well-
                                                            were  as  follows:
                 known  practical  means  of investigating  thc  genetic
                                                             Luctute  dehydrogenase  (LDH,  EC  1. 1.1.14).  Sixteen  ml
                 structure  of natura]  population,  as  well  as  of high-  0.1  M  pH 7.4  phosphatc  buffer  (PB):  16 mi  lactate  buffer
                 lighting  the  occurrence  of  a  possible  taxonomic   (7.37 mi  acid  DL-laclate  90%,  92.63 mi  PB);  48 ml  MTT
                 relationship  (Ayala,  1975;  Nei,  1978;  Graf,  1982).   0.001%  wjv  in distillcd  water;  4.8 mi  phenazine  methasulfate
                   The present research aims at  assessing.  by electro-  (PMS)  0.00 l  wjv  in  disti !led  water;  80 mg  !X-nicotinamide
          j      phoresis  of a  few  isoen zymes,  the  genetic  distancc   adcninc dinucleotide  (NAD) (McKenzie  et  al .•  1983).
                                                             Mci/ate  dehydrogenase  (.MDH,  EC  1. 1.1.37).  Eighty  mi
                 between J>,;fullus  barbarus and i'v!ullus surmuletus (mak-
                 ing  use of Nei's  Index,  1978),  as  well  as  fi.nding  any   Tris-HCI 0.1  M  p H  8.0:  80 mg aci d  D L-malie;  2.4 mg PMS;
                                                            12.8 mg  MTT;  32 mg NAD (Graf and  Meylan,  1980).
                 possìble  diagnostic  loci  and  drawing  a  comparison
                                                              Alcohol dehydroKenase  (ADH, E C  Eighty ml PB
                 between  the  populations  examined.
                                                            0.1  M  pH 7.0;  3.2 mi  ethanol;  40 mg  NAD;  3.2 mg  PMS:
                                                            16 mg  MTT (Graf and  Meylan,  1980).
                                                             c:J.-Giycaopho~phate  clehydrogenase  (GPD,  EC  1.1. 1.8).
                                                            Eighty  mi  Tris·-HCI  0.1  M  pH 7.1;  160 mg  DL-!X -glycero-
                           MATERIALS  ANO  i\lETHODS
                                                            phosphate disodium  salt:  40 mg NAD;  1.6 mg PMS;  16 mg
                   Seventy  M.  barbatus  specimens  and  65  M.  surmuletus.   MTT;  0.8 mi  MgCI  0.2 M  (Graf and  Meyland,  1980).
                 from  various  locations  of Sicily  (Gulf  of  Gela,  Gulf  of   Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC 1. 15.1. 1). Eighty m i Tris-
                 Castellammare, G ulf of Palermo), of Calabria (Vibo Valentia,   HCI  0.5 M  pH 8.0;  16.8 mg  MTT;  16.8 mg  PMS  (Philipp
                 Bovalino), and Egadi Islands were examined and 1he follow-  el  al.,  l 979).
                 ing parameters recorded: standard length (S. L). totallength   Sorbito/  dehydrogenase  (SDH,  EC  1. 1.1.!4).  Eighty  m i
                 (f.L.),  weight,  sex  and  maturity  leve!.  M.  barbatuJ  size   Tris-HCl  0.25 M  pH 8;  l g  sorbito!;  12 mg  NAD;  5 mg
                 ranged from  8 to  16 cm (S.L.),  11.83  (SD ± 1.99)  being the   PMS:  12 mg  MTT (Philipp  et  al ..  1979).
                 mean value, and i\.f . . mrmuletu.l standard length ranged from   Jsocitrme  dehydrogena.~e  (JDH.  EC  l.l .l .42).  Eighty  mi
                 lO  lo 20 cm with  a  mean of 14.89  (SD ± 2.48). The  frozen   Tris-HCI  0.05 M  pH 8.5:  80 mg  DL-isocitric  acid ;  16 mg
                 fish,  stacked  in  suitablc  containers,  were  taken  lo  the   NADP;  1.6 mg  PMS;  12.8mg  MTT,  !.6ml  MgSO,  0.1  M
                 laboratory, and  kept there al  -20'C,  unti!  they  were used.   (Graf and  Meyland,  l 980).
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