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Two species  of Mullus                         721

                                  PMM                       different electrophoresis migration patterns in starch
                                                            gel  for the !ocus  LDHl.
                                             T              cally very sirnilar,  the two species can be recognized.
                                                              The  available  data  suggest  that  although  geneti-
                                                            The occurrence  of the PMM2 band in M.  barbatus
                                             A              specirnens  frorn  the Gulf of Gela, coupled  with  the
                                                            possibility  of geographìcal  variation  for  the  LDHI
                           ,_                               locus  (Basaglia  and  Callegarini  cit.),  allows  us  to
                                                            hypothesìze  the presence  in  the Mediterranean area
                                                            of severa! dernes and/or stocks, for a t  least one of the
                                                            two  species considered.
                                ·L..~.       B
                                                            Acknowledgements-This research was supported by grants
                                                            from  the ltalian  M.P.I. (60% ,  1989).

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                   As regards  the  LDH enzyrne,  LDH!  and  LDH2   Genetics 89, 583-590.            ·
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                                                              Evolution  of pattems of  differential  gene expression:  A
                 ences  between the two specìes seems to be in contrast   compari so n of thc temporal an d spatial pattems of isozyme
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                 who, working on the same two species, yet frorn other   ern  largemouth  bass,  Microp/erus  salmoides  safmoides,
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