Page 3 - Muscarella_Baragona_2017
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The endemic fauna of the sicilian islands             251

                           ac-   Area                Geographic             Distance to  Endemic  Number of
                   Island  ronym (km²)  Origin       coordinates    m.s.l.m.  mainland and suben-  taxa for
                                                                               (km)   demic taxa  km²
                   Eolie                            Lat: 38.80º N;
                  Stromboli  ST   12.2  Volcanic    Long: 15.25º E   924       54        11       0.9
                                                    Lat: 38.63º N;
                  Panarea   PA   3.4    Volcanic                     420       41        10       2.94
                                                    Long: 15.07º E
                                                    Lat: 38.42º N;
                  Vulcano  VU     21    Volcanic                     499       20        12       0.57
                                                    Long: 14.98º E
                                                    Lat: 38.45º N;
                   Lipari   LI   37.3   Volcanic                     602       27        14       0.38
                                                    Long: 14.97º E
                                                    Lat: 38.57º N;
                   Salina  SA    26.4   Volcanic    Long: 14.87º E   962       38        17       0.64
                                                    Lat: 38.58º N;
                  Filicudi  FI   9.5    Volcanic                     773       45        10       1.05
                                                    Long: 14.58º E
                                                    Lat: 38.55º N;
                  Alicudi  AL    5.1    Volcanic                     675       53         6       1.18
                                                    Long: 14.37º E
                                                    Lat: 38.72º N;
                   Ustica  US    8.1    Volcanic                     266       51         4       0.49
                                                    Long: 13.20º E
                   Egadi                            Lat: 37.59° N;
                  Levanzo  LE    5.6  Sedimentary   Long: 12.20° E   278       13         6       1.07
                                                    Lat: 37. 55° N;
                 Favignana  FA   19.5  Sedimentary  Long:12.19° E    302        8         6       0.25
                                                    Lat: 37°58° N;
                 Marettimo  MA   12.3  Sedimentary                   686       35        18       1.46
                                                    Long:  12.3° E
                                                    Lat: 36.80º N;
                 Pantelleria  PN  83    Volcanic                     836       67        20       0.24
                                                    Long: 12.00º E
                  Pelagie  LN    5.4    Volcanic    Lat: 35.88º N;   195       165        7       1.29
                   Linosa                           Long: 12.38º E
                                                    Lat: 35.57º N;
                 Lampione  LA    0.036 Sedimentary                    36       100        9       250
                                                    Long: 12.33º E
                                                    Lat: 35.52º N;
                 Lampedusa  LM    20  Sedimentary                    133       120       27       1.35
                                                    Long: 12.62º E
                     Table 1.  Geographic coordinates of the circum-Sicilian islands, number of known endemic taxa and density.
                 2013) and 1 for Lampione (Otiorhynchus (Aram-  (Pseudomeira aeolica Bellò, Pesarini et Pierotti,
                 michnus) poggii Di Marco, Osella et Zuppa, 2002).  1997; Ocys beatricis Magrini, Cecchi et Lo Cascio,
                   We also have a good overall level of the faun-  2000;  Nalassus pastai Aliquò, Leo et Lo Cascio,
                 istic knowledge for the Aeolian Archipelago and for  2006; Anthaxia (Haplantaxia) flaviae Lo Cascio
                 the Island of Ustica, systematically investigated  et Sparacio, 2010; Firminus massai Arnone, Lo
                 especially from the sixties with the project “Piccole  Cascio et Grita, 2014).
                 Isole” promoted by CNR (Lo Cascio & Navarra,    Differently from the other circum-sicilian is-
                 2003). The conspicuous material gathered has been  lands, the Egadi islands have been the subject for
                 published  in  the  conference  proceedings  to  the  deeper zoological surveys only starting from the
                 “XVIII Convegno della Società Italiana di Biogeo-  end of the sixties; these surveys have been carried
                 grafia”, whose subject was “The animal and vegetal  out by CNR (project “Piccole Isole”) (Reverberi &
                 population  of  circum-sicilian  islands”  (AA.VV.,  Riggio, 1971). The results to these surveys have
                 1973). In recent times several contributions have  mainly  pertained  some  groups  of  invertebrates
                 updated the knowledge on many Aeolian popula-  (Matic,  1968;  Focarile,  1969;  Strasser,  1969;
                 tions of invertebrates (Gridelli, 1972; Ratti, 1987;  Marcuzzi, 1970; Magistretti, 1971; Alicata, 1973;
                 Aliquò 1993, 1995; Lo Cascio & Magrini, 1998;  Caruso, 1973; Tamanini, 1973), Amphibians and
                 Cecchi & Lo Cascio, 1999, 2000; Cecchi et al.,  Rectiles (Bruno, 1970; Lanza, 1973). From that
                 1999; Arnone et al., 2001; Dapporto & Lo Cascio,  moment until today other contributions have been
                 2001;  Lo Cascio et al., 2006) and vertebrates (Lo  added, which favoured a widening of the available
                 Cascio,  1994,  2000,  2009,  2010;  Deidun  et  al.,  knowledge,  particularly  for  tenebrionid  beetles
                 2011; Lo Cascio et al., 2001, 2005; Scalera et al.,  (Aliquò,  1993,  1995)  and  terrestrial  molluscs
                 2004) as well as the discovery of a few new species  (Beckmann, 1992; 2003; Cianfanelli et al., 2004;
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