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The endemic fauna of the sicilian islands             255

                 part of the populations have allegedly faced local  are, as a matter of fact, a fragment of Sicily, to
                 extinctions as a result of the processes of competitive  which they alternately remained connected during
                 exclusion  derived  by  the  colonisation  of  the  ar-  the  eustatic  variation  in  Pleistocene,  and  from
                 chipelago  by  the  lizard  P.  siculus (Rafinesque-  which they are separated by a sea bed only 40 m.
                 Schmaltz, 1814) (Lo Cascio, 2010).           deep (Ruggieri, 1973; Agnesi et al., 1993), the last
                   However, to the antique datation of the molecu-  time durind Würmian glaciation (until about 12,000
                 lar clock for P. raffoneae we need to add the diffi-  years ago) (Massa, 1973; Ruggieri, 1973). On the
                 culty to explain the presence of terrestrial molluscs  contrary, Marettimo originated almost exclusively
                 with  high  preference  for  calcium. Among  these  from Triassic sediments that show no similarities to
                 ones  Hypnophila  incerta (Bourguignat,  1858),  the Sicilian territory as they are correlated to surfa-
                 present in many of these islands, Oxychilus (Hyalo-  cing present in northern Africa and Iberian Penin-
                 cornea) alicurensis of Alicudi and O. (Oxychilus)  sula (Ruggieri, 1973). Furthermore, it is separated
                 lagrecai of Filicudi. As such, the genesis of Hy-  from the two other islands by a channel (“Maret-
                 gromiidae Helicotricha carusoi Giusti, Manganelli  timo Channel”) whose maximum depth is 350 m,
                 et Crisci, 1992, is hard to interpret as it belongs to  enough to prevent connections with the Sicilian
                 a genus that is endemic of the Aeolian and implies  territory during Pleistocenic regressions (Agnesi et
                 a very long time for its differentiation.    al.,  1993).  These  pronounced  differences  also
                   Giusti  (1973)  hypothesizes  the  existence  of  reflect, as it is right to expect, on faunistic popula-
                 ancient groups of territories above sea level which  tions of the three islands. Marettimo, as pointed out
                 left groups of paleo-endemic species to the new  by several authors (Alicata, 1973; Bordoni, 1973;
                 Aelioan  islands  of  formation.  These  territories  Caruso, 1973; Lanza, 1973; Magnano & Osella,
                 might have been situated further north, and even  1973), is characterized by a pre-quaternary popula-
                 derived by the fault of Tyrrhenian microplates in  tion with predominant similarities with the western
                 their shift towards their present position, or further  Mediterranean.  Favignana  and  Levanzo  show
                 south, in contact with the Sicilian coast line.  poorer  endemic  populations  and  generally  with
                   A  different  biogeographical  explanation  was  Sicilian affinities (Canzoneri, 1968). As a whole, 20
                 proposed for Ocys beatricis Magrini, Cecchi et Lo  endemic entities are known in the archipelago, 18
                 Cascio, 2000: a small carabid, endemic in Lipari  of which are present in Marettimo alone. Levanzo
                 and rather isolated in the field of its genus and only  has scarcer endemic contingents (6 taxa, only one
                 akin to another specie, Ocys inguscioi Magrini et  of which - gastropod Rupestrella rupestris coloba
                 Vanni,  1992,  localised  in  southern  Puglia.  Con-  (Pilsbry, 1918) - exclusive of the island) and Fav-
                 sidered that these are winged species, potentially  ignana (6 taxa, all in common with the other islands
                 capable of highly dispersive capacities, it is possible  of the archipelago). Two endemic vertebrates are
                 to suppose a climate or ecological change to have  present - the Soricid Crocidura sicula aegatensis
                 caused the disappearance in the original distribution  Hutterer, 1991, present in all of the three islands,
                 area of a common hypothetical ancestor, and the  and the lacertid Podarcis waglerianus marettimen-
                 distance between the surviving population to have  sis (Klemmer, 1956) in Marettimo alone - whose taxo-
                 triggered a differentiation on a species level (Mag-  nomic status, besides, is considered rather doubtful
                 rini et al., 2000; Lo Cascio & Navarra, 2003). The  (Capula, 1994; Sarà, 1995). Invertebrates make up
                 endemic sub species of garden dormouse present in  the  largest  endemic  element  under  the  biogeo-
                 Lipari, Eliomys quercinus liparensis Kahamann,  graphical profile. In the field of the endemic fauna
                 1960, differentiated, according to several authors  of Marettimo we need to highlight the presence of
                 (see Angelici et al., 2009) starting from nuclei ori-  interesting paleoendemic species, such as the un-
                 ginally introduced in the Roman age for dietary.  derground  Coleoptera  Typhloreicheia (Typhlor-
                                                              eicheia) berninii Magrini, Bastianini et Petrioli, 2003
                 Egadi Archipelago                            and Alaocyba ientilei Baviera, 2010; the Gastropods
                                                              Oxychilus (Hyalofusca) denatale (Pfeiffer, 1856),
                   The three major islands of the Egadi are of sed-  Siciliaria scarificata (Pfeiffer, 1856), Marmorana in-
                 imentary origin, different from the geological and  sularis (Benoit, 1857) and Schileykiella bodoni Cian-
                 paleogeographic history. Favignana and Levanzo  fanelli, Manganelli et Giusti, 2004; the Tenebrionid
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