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THE NAUTILUS 122(1):19–51, 2008                                     Page 19

On some Neogene to Recent species related to Galeodina
Monterosato, 1884, Galeodinopsis Sacco, 1895, and Massotia
Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus, 1884 (Caenogastropoda:
Rissoidae) with the description of two new Alvania species from
the Mediterranean Pleistocene

Vittorio Garilli
APEMA Research and Educational Service
Via Alla Falconara, 34
I-90136 Palermo, ITALY

ABSTRACT                                                            ern Atlantic and the Mediterranean provinces. They in-
                                                                    habit a large variety of environments, from littoral to
Six species, related to the subgenera Galeodina, Galeodinopsis,     bathyal, and their geographical distribution is extensive,
and Massotia, are re-analyzed. Alvania francescoi new species       including the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, and
(SE Sicily) and A. rosariae new species (SE Sicily and NW           the temperate Australian coasts (Ponder, 1985). Their
Peloponnesus) are described from Mediterranean Pleistocene.         stratigraphical distribution might extend back to the Late
Galeodinopsis is regarded as the appropriate genus for Oli-         Cretaceous, but the first well-established records date to
gocene-Recent taxa having a quite conical shell close to that of    the early Tertiary (Ponder, 1985). With regard to the rich
some Alvania species and showing Manzonia-like combination          Mediterranean and European Tertiary Alvania assem-
of two microsculptural characters: the pitted surface on the        blages, some of the most informative analyses are those
spiral cords and the arrangement of the roughly prismatic ele-      of Sacco (1895), Seguenza (1903), Cossmann (1921), Lo-
ments forming numerous and very fine spiral threads. Its type       zouet (1998), Kowalke and Harzhauser (2004), and Chirli
species, Rissoa tiberiana (previously known from Mediterra-         (2006).
nean Mio-Pliocene), lives along the tropical W African coasts,
where it is known under the name A. fariai. As suggested by the        Many authorities, e.g. Monterosato (1884), Bucquoy et
oldest record of Galeodinopsis, the European Oligocene Rissoa       al. (1884), Weinkauff (1885), Kobelt (1888), Locard
duboisi, this genus very likely originated from a pre-Neogene       (1886), Nordsieck (1968, 1972), Jeffreys (1867, 1869),
Alvania group. The syntype of Rissoa prusi, a scarcely known        Pallary (1920), Wenz (1938), Warén (1973, 1974), Gofas
species (Pleistocene of Rhodes), and material (also from type       and Warén (1982), Van Aartsen (1982a, 1982b), Moolen-
locality) of the almost unknown R. cingulata (from Sicily) and      beek and Hoenselaar (1989, 1998), Van der Linden and
of its close relative, R. tenera (Mediterranean, Atlantic Moroc-    Wagner (1989), Moolenbeek et al. (1991), Van der Lin-
co and Canary Islands), is shown. These three taxa and the type     den (1993), Bouchet and Warén (1993), Giannuzzi-
species of Galeodina and Massotia, are here tentatively con-        Savelli et al. (1996), Palazzi (1997), Gofas (1999), Ávila
sidered as belonging to Alvania sensu lato. With the exception      (2000), and Arduino and Arduino (2001), have contrib-
of A. cingulata, all the discussed species have a multispiral       uted to the knowledge of the rich Recent Eastern Atlan-
protoconch. Generally, the protoconchs studied exhibit a sculp-     tic (especially the W Africa and the Macaronesian Prov-
tural pattern known in other rissoid taxa. Protoconch I of the      ince) and Mediterranean fauna. Ponder’s rissoid revision
type species of Massotia, A. lactea, is characterized by a coarser  (1985), listing five Alvania subgenera, provided addi-
sculpture.                                                          tional perspective to the taxonomy.

Additional Keywords: Rissoidae, taxonomy, Mediterranean-W              My attention is focused here on a relatively large, in-
Atlantic, Neogene-Recent, new species                               formal group of species of Alvania sensu lato character-
                                                                    ized by shells with wide and ovate aperture, lacking an
INTRODUCTION                                                        internal denticulation of the outer lip, and often bearing
                                                                    varices on a well-developed, inflated body whorl. These
The genus Alvania Risso, 1826, comprises one of the                 species have been historically assigned to the subgenera
most diversified groups in the caenogastropod family                Galeodina Monterosato, 1884, Galeodinopsis Sacco,
Rissoidae, especially when considering the tropical east-           1895, and Massotia Bucquoy et al., 1884. This subgeneric
                                                                    settlement was partially rejected by Ponder (1985), who,
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