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Page 20 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 122, No. 1
modifying the systematic arrangement of Monterosato recover that species. Geological, stratigraphic and paleo-
(1884) and Bucquoy et al. (1884), stated that grouping of ecological information on the deposits of Cartiera
the numerous species of Alvania was very difficult at the Mulino, Dattilo and Kyllini are taken from Costa (1989),
subgenus level. The same author included Massotia (type Garilli (1998; 2004), Garilli et al. (2005a; 2005b) and
species: Rissoa lactea Michaud, 1830) and Galeodinopsis Garilli and Galletti (2007). The stratigraphic information
(type species: R. tiberiana Coppi, 1876) in the Alvania on the Sicilian deposits of Birgi (Trapani) and Tommaso
sensu stricto group and doubtfully considered Galeodina Natale (Palermo, originally attributed to the upper
(type species Turbo carinatus Da Costa, 1778) as a valid Pleistocene Thyrrenian by Ruggieri and Milone, 1973)
subgenus on the basis of shell characters. Piani (1979) are from Ruggieri and Unti (1988) and Hearty et al.
raised Galeodina to generic level and placed Rissoa cin- (1986), respectively. For the remaining fossil ma-
gulata Philippi, 1836, and R. tenera Philippi, 1844, terial (mainly from Coll. Forli ex-coll. Palazzi), I followed
therein. the stratigraphic attributions reported by the col-
The principal aim of this work is to provide, for the
first time, as complete as possible a taxonomic dataset For all the discussed species, at least five shells were
based on shell features. Species such as Rissoa cingulata, studied by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) us-
[often misidentified as Alvania carinata (Da Costa, ing a Philips XL30 ESEM, except for the (sole) syntype
1778)], R. prusi Fischer, 1877, and R. tiberiana Coppi, of Rissoa prusi and R. cingulata, of which there were
1876, are very poorly known or, in the case of the last only three shells available. Specimens examined by SEM
taxon, the generic attribution to Alvania appears incor- were cleaned in a Bransonic 5 ultrasonic machine using
rect. I also describe two new species from the Pleisto- distilled water. Particular attention was given to proto-
cene of the central Mediterranean area. conchs and teleoconch microsculptures as potential
sources of taxonomic characters at species level. The
MATERIALS AND METHODS number of protoconch whorls were counted according to
Verduin’s method (1977).
Most of the examined material, all consisting of shells, is
housed in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Shells were measured using a stereo microscope pro-
Paris (Département Systématique et Evolution), in the vided with a cross-line micrometer eyepiece. The posi-
private collections of Maurizio Forli (Prato, Italy) and of tion of any varix on the body whorl is indicated in degrees
Stefano Palazzi (Modena, Italy). Remaining material is of the angles formed by the plane of the varix and of the
housed in the private collections of (made outer lip.
available by Nino Adorni Sbrana, Grosseto, Italy), Ste-
fano Rufini (Anguillara), in the Museum für Naturkunde Geographic, bathymetric, and stratigraphic distribu-
(Humboldt University, Berlin), the Museo Geologico tion of each discussed species is based on the examined
G.G. Gemmellaro and the Dipartimento di Geologia e material and the literature. Published records were criti-
Geodesia (both University of Palermo, Italy), in the Gou- cally evaluated on the basis of good illustrations or sat-
landris Natural History Museum (Kifissia, Athens), the isfactory descriptions. This type of dataset allows for just
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra of the University of a rough representation of the geographical distribution,
Catania, Italy, the Zoologisch Museum of Amsterdam, especially for the Adriatic Sea and the easternmost Medi-
the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris (Dé- terranean basin, of which I found very little material
partement Histoire de la Terre), and in my personal col- from the collections studied.
lection. Many other private collections were visited.
Abbreviations are used as following: DGUP: Diparti-
In the parts dedicated to each species, a list of the mento di Geologia e Geodesia, Università di Palermo,
material is provided with all information given in the Italy; DSTC: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Uni-
original labels. An abbreviated list of essential synonymy versità di Catania, Italy; GNHM: Goulandris Natural
and/or citations is provided. History Museum, Kifissia, Athens, Greece; MGUP: Mu-
seo Geologico G.G. Gemmellaro, Università di Palermo,
The fossil material (all from the Mediterranean area), Italy; MNHN-DHT: Muséum National d’Histoire Na-
from the deposits of Dattilo (NW Sicily), Cartiera turelle, Département Histoire de la Terre, Paris, France;
Mulino (Vittoria, SE Sicily, type locality of Alvania MNHN-DSE: Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle,
francescoi new species and Alvania rosariae new spe- Département Systématique et Evolution, Paris, France;
cies), and Kyllini (Elea, NW Peloponnesus, Greece), was MPOB: Dipartimento del Museo di Paleobiologia e
obtained by washing bulk samples on a serial sieves (0.5, dell’Orto Botanico, Università di Modena e Reggio
1, and 2 mm square meshes) and sorted using a stereo- Emilia, Modena, Italy; MSNCS: Museo Regionale di
microscope. The same procedure was followed for the Storia Naturale e Mostra Permanente del Carretto Sicil-
Recent bulk samples collected from Magnisi (Siracusa, iano, Terrasini, Italy; ZMA: Zoologisch Museum Amster-
SE Sicily, the type locality of Rissoa cingulata Philippi, dam, Holland; ZMB: Museum für Naturkunde, Hum-
1836) and Mondello (Palermo, NW Sicily) specifically to boldt Universität, Berlin, Germany; Coll.: collection;
Coll. MF: Maurizio Forli collection, Prato, Italy; Coll.
PAL: Stefano Palazzi collection, Modena, Italy; Sh(s):
shell(s), used in the Material Examined sections only.