Page 118 - Panuccio2012
P. 118

Weather conditions and the visible migration of Short-toed Snake Eagles

Most raptors migrate using two basic flight styles:      Greece and in the Italian Peninsula, use the so-called
flapping flight and soaring-gliding flight. When         “circuitous migration” that involves movements
facing different weather conditions, migrants show       that are opposite to the main migration direction,
a high degree of plasticity in their behavior (Vardanis  southwards during spring and northwards during
et al. 2011). In particular, the daily movement of       autumn, at the end and at the beginning of their
raptors and their detectability are strongly affected    movements, respectively (Agostini et al. 2002a,
by wind direction and strength, temperature,             Panuccio et al. 2011).
barometric pressure and relative humidity                Since the migratory behavior of raptors changes
(Alerstam 1990, Kerlinger 1989, Maransky et              in relation to weather conditions and geographic
al. 1997, Agostini et al. 2002b, Panuccio 2011,          features, population monitoring methods that rely
Panuccio et al. 2010). Flight strategies have            on direct observation could be biased by these
been shaped by selection to minimize the costs           factors. In addition, weather-related variables
of migration, such as flight time and energy             could change between spring and autumn, affecting
expenditure (Hedenstrom 1993). The latter                migration counts in the two periods. In this study
factor shaped the migration strategies of broad-         we document the influence of wind, temperature,
winged species like eagles and vultures (Kerlinger       barometric pressure, relative humidity and time
1989). The Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus             of the day on the numbers of Short-toed Snake
gallicus) is a long-distance migrant that mostly uses    Eagles observed migrating along a mountain chain,
soaring-gliding flight to exploit thermal currents       through systematic observations on the slopes of
and updrafts that reduce energetic costs. As a           Mount Olympus (northeast Greece), during both
result, migrating snake eagles avoid crossing large      autumn and spring movements.
bodies of water, where thermals are almost absent.       Study area and methods
Instead, they concentrate at isthmuses, straits and      The mountain chain (approx. 40° 01’N, 22°
along mountain chains. Along these geographical          29’E) located in this area of north-eastern Greece
features, particularly mountain chains, soaring          runs parallel and very close to the coast (approx.
birds can exploit stronger thermal conditions and        7 km) forcing migrants to concentrate on a
wave lifts. As a result, Short-toed Snake Eagles         narrow corridor (Panuccio et al. 2011). North
sometimes undertake long detours over land               of Mount Olympus there is a large flat area
between their wintering grounds, located south of        while the mountain chain continues southwards.
the Sahara desert, and their breeding grounds in         Observations were made with telescopes and
Europe, in order to cross the Mediterranean Sea          binoculars between 9 September and 1 October
at its narrowest points: the Strait of Gibraltar and     2009 and between 6-26 March 2010, the peak
the Bosphorus. Birds breeding in central-southern        periods of the autumn and spring migration of
Figure 1. The study area.                                the Short-toed Snake Eagle in the Mediterranean
                                                         basin (Agostini et al. 2002b, Baghino et al. 2009).
                                                         The observations were interrupted only due to
                                                         heavy rain or snow. Each day was divided into four
                                                         two-hour periods: 9:00-10:59 hr, 11:00-12:59 hr,
                                                         13:00-14:59 hr, and 15:00-sunset hr (solar time).
                                                         Hourly weather data were obtained daily from the
                                                         Litochoro meteorological station.
                                                         In the statistical analysis we used hourly data. To
                                                         compare weather data across the two seasons we
                                                         used Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis tests,
                                                         in the latter case after a Levene test to compare
                                                         variances. When comparing the average numbers

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