Page 122 - Panuccio2012
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Weather conditions and the visible migration of Short-toed Snake Eagles

that during noon and early afternoon the lower         the study area, with the presence of a large flat
limit of migration was lifted off the ground and this  zone north of the site, could have further affected
may explain the lower number of raptors observed       the observed numbers of Short-toed Snake Eagles,
during this period of the day. Thus, it is possible    by decreasing the altitude of migrants reaching the
that visual censuses of Short-toed Snake Eagle         watchsite in spring.
along mountain chains could be biased by season,       Acknowledgements
due to differences in thermal conditions in these      We appreciate the improvements in English
periods of movement (March and September).             usage made by Christina Riehl through the
This hypothesis would be consistent with results       Association of Field Ornithologists’ program
of other censuses of this species made during both     of editorial assistance. MEDRAPTORS (www.
seasons along two mountain chains in central , a network of ornithologists
and northwestern Italy where higher number of          and birdwatchers, works to improve research and
Short-toed Snake Eagles are observed migrating in      the protection of migrating birds of prey through
spring than in autumn (Apuane Alps and Ligurian        specific projects and observation camps.
Apennines; Baghino and Premuda 2007, Baghino
et al. 2009, Premuda et al. 2010). Finally, in the     Hedenström, A. 1993. Migration by soaring
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