Page 138 - Panuccio2012
P. 138

Number of W. Hone                                          2000




654 Zoological Studies 49(5): 651-6506 (2010)
                                                                                                                                                             continge7:n20c-y9:1t9a9b:2l0e-1: 1χ:1291=1:2707-1.38:199,13d:2.0f.-1=5:1291,5:p20<-170:2.001)
respectively). Western Honey Buzzards migrated

across the 3 sites mainly during prevailing westerly                                                                                                         and during low ratThimere ptehriaodns high barometric
winds: the derived average number of birds                                                                                                                   pressure (contingency table: χ2 = 206.97, d.f. = 2,
counted per hour of observation was 15.1 ± 1.1                                                                                                               p < 0.01. Fig. 4). Although the strength of the

(SE) with westerly winds vs. 3.6 ± 1.9 (S.E.) with                                                                                                           westerly winds did not affect migration counts,
easterly winds (z = 7.75, p < 0.01). Barometric                                                                                                              the proportion of migrants was significantly higher

pressure and the strength of the westerly winds                                                                                                              along the ea7s:t2e0r-9n:1c9orridor9d:2u0-r1in1:g19strong11w:2e0-s1t3e:1r9lyProNpuortmiboenrofofW.W.HHoonneeyyBBuzuzzarardsds
Number of W. Honey Buzzards                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2.2, d.f.
did n25o0t0significantly affect migration counts; the                                                                                                        w                                                         ind2s500(c  ont1in3:g20e-1n5c:1y9 table15::2χ02-17=:209  pressure                   = 2,
derived average number of birds counted per                                                                                                                  p                                                         <1000.0%1;  Fig. 5) and low barometric                                              (Fig.
hour20o0f0 observation was 12.6 ± 3.2 (S.E.) with                                                                                                            5; co82n00t%0i0ngency table: χ2 = 208.8, d.f. = 2, p < 0.01).

low 1b5a0r0ometric pressure vs. 11 ± 3.8 (S.E.) with                                                                                                                                                                     1500

whiigthh10wb0ae0raokmwetersicteprrlyeswsuinrdes,                                              and  17.4  ±                                  1.1  (S.E.)                                                                  60%
                                                                                              vs.  13.5  ±                                  1.1  (S.E.)                                                                  1000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         40%          DISCUSSION
with s50tr0ong westerly winds. Weather conditions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2W0%0ind direction and time of day significantly
for soa0ring flight apparently were better during                                                                                                            Aa fsf eec0xt%epd7e:2c0mt-e9i:d1gE9,ar9sa:t2teht0ir-eon11n:p19ec1oa1C:ku2e0nn-ot1rt3asf:l1Cm9i 1noi3rgr:i2odr0oau-1rstr5i:o1s9nt1u5Wo:d2c0ey-sc1t7eua:r2rrn0reead.
twheeakprwo7pin:2od0r-s9ti:1oa9nn9:d2o0-fh11ibg:1ih9rd11bs:2a0pr-o1a3ms:1s9ei1tn3r:ig2c0-lp1o5rw:e19es1sr5u:2trh0e-a17ns:2i0nthcee                           during the afternoon when thermals were at
observation posts or at eye level was higher during                                                                                                          their strongest, andTimtheepreeriofdosre migrants were
strong (> 20 km/h) ratThimere tpheariondsweak winds (Fig. 4;

                                                                                                                                                             able to optimize soaring flight and increase their

ProportionNoufmWb.erHofneWy.BHuoznzeayrdBsuzzards                                                                                                             PropoPrrtioopnorotfionW.ofHoWn.eyHoBnuzezyarBdusz z ards                                                          Up Down

                                                          2500     7:20-9:19         9:20-11:19                                             11:20-13:19                                                                  100%         7:20-9:19     9:20-11:19                                             11:20-13:19
                                                          2000     13:20-15:19       15:20-17:20
                                                         10105%00                                                                                                                                                        80% 13:20-15:19            15:20-17:20


                                                         810%00                                                                                                                                                          8400%%

                                                         605%00                                                                                                                                                          6200%%

                                                         40%0                                                                                                                                                            400%%        winds Weak    bwainrCodmesnettrrLaicol pCwreobsrarsirduoormersetric  pressure
                                                         20%7:20-9:199:20-11:1911:20-13:1913:20-15:1915:20-17:20                                                                                                                       EasteHrnigh                                                          Western
                                                                       Eastern TimCenpterariloCdosrridors Western

Fig. 2. Variations in the daily patterns of migration (solar time)                                                                                           Fig. 3. Variations in the daily patterns of migration (solar time)
of Western Honey Buzzards through the Marcellinara Isthmus.                                                                                                  along the western, central, and eastern corridors.

PrPorpooprtiorotinonofofW .W.HHoonneeyyBBuuzzzzaarrddss            7:20-9:19         9:20-11:19 Up11:20-1D3o:1w9n                                             PrPorpooprotirtoinonofofW .W .HoHnoenyeyBuBzuz za radrsds                             Eastern  Central Up WesDteorwnn
                                                                   13:20-15:19       15:20-17:20
                                                         110000%%                                                                                                                                                        110000%%

                                                         8800%%                                                                                                                                                          8800%%

                                                         6600%%                                                                                                                                                              6600%%

                                                         4400%%                                                                                                                                                              4400%%
                                                         00%%      wiEndasstWerenak  bwainrCodmsenettrrLaicol pwCreobsrarsirduoromersetric  prWesessutreern                                                            Strong 0wS%etrsotenrglyWwweinianddksswWeHseigtHaehkirglybhwawibnriaonddrmsosmeterLitcroicpwLrpoerbwesassrbusoaurmerroeemtreictripcreprsessusruere
                                                          Strong            High

Fig. 4. Proportions of Western Honey Buzzards passing high                                                                                                   Fig. 5. Proportions of Western Honey Buzzards passing along

.ofHoWn.eyHoBnuezyz aBrudzsz ardsand low with strong and weak winds and withUphigh anDdolwown                                                                the eastern, central, and western corridors during periods
barometric pressure.                                                                                                                                         of strong and weak westerly winds and during high and low

                                                         100%                        Eastern       Central                                  Western          barometric pressure.. Honey Buz z ards                                                 Eastern  Central                                       Western
                                                         18000%%                                                                                                   100%

                                                         6800%% 138 80%

                                                         4600%%                                                                                                                                                          60%

                                                         2400%%                                                                                                                                                          40%
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143