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Panuccio et al. – Weather and Western Honey Buzzard Migration  655

travel speed as observed in other areas (Spaar          use of soaring flight (Agostini and Logozzo 1995a),
1997). Regarding wind direction, Western                and only a fraction of birds exhibit a light drift effect
Honey Buzzards passed mostly during periods             when passing along the eastern corridor. These
of prevailing westerly rather than easterly winds,      results partially agree with those made in Israel
since such atmospheric conditions are associated        where Western Honey Buzzards migrating through
with the thermal-producing, fair-weather period that    the Middle East use soaring­gliding flight for 94%
follows the passage of a cold front in the central      of their migration day and are therefore susceptible
Mediterranean region. For the same reason, the          to drift (Shirihai and Christie 1992, Shirihai et al.
barometric pressure probably affected the altitude      2000).
of raptor flight. In addition, an approaching cold
front can cause unfavorable weather conditions                Analyzing satellite telemetry data collected
(rain and southerly winds) north of the watch           all along the migration route, Thorup et al. (2003)
points, just along the migratory flyway; Western        showed that adult Western Honey Buzzards
Honey Buzzards that pass through southern               compensate for wind drift and are less affected
continental Italy during autumn are most likely from    than juveniles by crosswinds when migrating
breeding areas in central Italy and the Balkans         over land. We suggest that adult Western Honey
via the Adriatic Sea (Agostini et al. 2007b). As        Buzzards also tend to compensate for deviations
in our study, in eastern Pennsylvania, USA, the         in lateral winds on a smaller scale when migrating
peak of raptor migration is associated with weather     over land through this isthmus area. On the other
conditions that help create thermal updrafts on         hand, as mentioned above, migrants will change
days following the passage of a cold front (Allen et    their migration strategy in relation to wind drift
al. 1996, Maransky et al. 1997). There could be 2       when migrating through the Channel of Sicily
alternative explanations for the fact that migration    en route to Africa by showing a broad front of
counts did not differ between times of low and high     migration over water (Agostini et al. 2005).
barometric pressure, or weak and strong westerly
winds: within the different periods of the day (1)            Unfortunately, in the last 3 yr, a proliferation
during ideal weather conditions for soaring flight      of wind farms has occurred in our study area.
(high barometric pressure and weak lateral winds),      Considering the flight strategies adopted by
a higher percentage of raptors passed through           Western Honey Buzzards in particular during
undetected; or (2) migrants did not slow their travel   strong lateral wind and low barometric pressure,
speed during unfavorable weather for soaring flight     post-operam monitoring for possible mortality
when passing through the Marcellinara Isthmus,          effects is recommended.
because they increased the use of powered
flight to limit the drift effect of lateral winds. The  Acknowledgments: We wish to thank 2
1st explanation is not supported by the results         anonymous referees for their useful comments
concerning the peak passage observed in the             on an earlier version of this manuscript, and
afternoon, during better weather conditions for         E. Grasso, P. Molina, M. Dech, P. Forconi, and
soaring flight; because of the flat and hilly zone      S. Tarantino for their help during observations.
north of the site, approaching migrants cannot          MEDRAPTORS (,
use thermal and/or slope-soaring as raptors do          a network of ornithologists and birdwatchers,
along a mountain ridge (Maransky et al. 1997),          works to improve research and the protection of
and they are often flying close to the ground when      migrating birds of prey through specific projects
they reach the study area (see also Agostini and        and observation camps.
Logozzo 1995a b, 1997). Conversely, the latter
hypothesis would be in agreement with earlier                                  REFERENCES
observations concerning the flight style of migrants
reported with different strengths of lateral winds      Agostini N, M Gustin, C Cardelli. 2007a. Factors shaping
made in the study area in the 1990s (Agostini                  pathways of European Honey-buzzards (Pernis apivorus)
and Logozzo 1995a) such as with our results                    during spring migration in the central Mediterranean
concerning the higher proportions of birds seen                basin. J. Raptor Res. 41: 57-61.
passing at lower altitudes during both strong lateral
winds and low barometric pressure. In fact, during      Agostini N, D Logozzo. 1995a. La migrazione autunnale del
such atmospheric conditions, Western Honey                     Falco pecchiaiolo sull’Appennino calabrese. Ricerche
Buzzards passing through the study area limit the              biol. Selvaggina 22(Supplement): 511-512. (in Italian)

                                                        Agostini N, D Logozzo. 1995b. Autumn migration of Honey
                                                               Buzzards in southern Italy. J. Raptor Res. 29: 275-277.

                                                        Agostini N, D Logozzo. 1997. Autumn migration of

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