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Contents                                                                                               Page

Across and around a barrier: migration ecology of raptors in the Mediterranean basin 9

Acknowledgements                                                                                       23

This thesis is based on the following papers:

I.	 Panuccio M, Agostini N, Mellone U, Bogliani G. Circannual variation in movement patterns of        25
      the Black kite (Milvus migrans migrans): a review. Submitted.

II.	 Agostini N, Panuccio M 2010. Western Marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) migration through the     43
      Mediterranean sea: a review. Journal of Raptor Research 44(2): 136-142.

III.	 Panuccio M, Mellone U, Muner L. Differential migration in Western Marsh harrier (Circus          53
      aeruginosus): a ring recoveries analysis. Manuscript.

IV.	 Panuccio M, Chiatante G, Tarini D 2012. Two different migration strategies in response to an      63
      ecological barrier: Western Marsh Harriers and juvenile European Honey Buzzards crossing the
      central-eastern Mediterranean in autumn. Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki, in press.

V.	 Lucia G, Agostini N, Panuccio M, Mellone U, Chiatante G, Tarini D, Evangelidis A 2011. Raptor
migration at Antikythira, in southern Greece. British Birds 104: 266-270.                              75

VI.	 Agostini N, Panuccio M, Lucia G, Liuzzi C, Amato P, Provenza A, Gustin M, Mellone U 2009.         83
      Evidence for age-dependent migration strategies in the Short-toed Eagle. British Birds 102(9):

VII.	 Panuccio M, Agostini N, Premuda G 2011. Ecological barriers promote risk minimization and        89
      social learning in migrating Short-toed Snake Eagles. Ethology Ecology & Evolution in press.

VIII.	Panuccio M, Lucia G, Bogliani G, Agostini N, Ottonello D. Unexpected southbound direction of
colonization of Short-toed Snake Eagle. Manuscript.                                                    99

IX.	 Panuccio M, Agostini N, Bogliani G. Influence of weather conditions on the spring and autumn      115
      visible migration of Short-toed Snake Eagles. Manuscript.

X.	 Panuccio M 2011. Wind effects on visible raptor migration in Spring at the Strait of Messina,      125
      Southern Italy. Journal of Raptor Research 45(1): 88-92.

XI.	 Panuccio M, Agostini N, Lucia G, Mellone U, Ashton-Boot J, Wilson S, Chiatante G, Todisco         133
      S 2010. Local weather conditions affect migration strategies of adult Western Honey Buzzards
      (Pernis apivorus) through an isthmus area. Zoological Studies 49(5): 651-656.

XII.	 Panuccio M, Gustin M, Bogliani G. A comparison of two methods for monitoring migrating           143
      broad-winged raptors approaching a long water crossing (Marettimo, Southern Italy). Submitted.
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