Page 10 - Panuccio2012
P. 10

Migration ecology of raptors in the Mediterranean

(Circus pyargus). All these species are capable of    few species of raptors attempt. Unlike the central
undertaking long powered flights over the sea         Mediterranean area where raptor migration has
(Spaar and Bruderer 1997, Agostini and Panuccio       been studied since the late 1980s, information
2005, Meyburg et al. 2010, Panuccio and Agostini      concerning flyways used by migrating raptors in
2010). In both spring and autumn, raptors carry       the Eastern Mediterranean remains patchy. On
out ‘island hopping’ migration, using the islands     the island of Antikythira (30 km northwest of
of Marettimo, Pantelleria, Malta (to name but the     Crete) the Hellenic Ornithological Society has an
most important) as stop-over sites where they can     observatory with a ringing station. Its preliminary
roost and exploit thermal currents to limit the use   observations have led me and my colleagues
of powered flight. The highest concentration of       to initiate fieldwork in Greece. The findings at
migrating raptors in the area is between Sicily and   the watchpoint on Mount Olympus were more
southern continental Italy, namely over the Strait    complicated; indeed I went there on the basis of
of Messina and along the Calabrian Apennines. In      a mere hypothesis and some Google Earth images.
spring in particular, tens of thousands of raptors    Nonetheless the research has yielded good results,
concentrate on the first site where they can be seen  in particular thanks to observations of hundreds
on both sides of the Strait while in the autumn       of eagles moving in a direction contrary to usual
raptors migrate along the mountain chains of          (northwards in autumn and southwards in spring).
southern continental Italy where their migration      Methods and their limits
can be observed thanks to the narrowness of the       “The human eye is one of the best tools for studying
peninsula, just a few dozen kilometres wide.          migration” (Kerlinger 2009).
The Eastern Mediterranean                             Most of the papers included in this dissertation
At the southernmost point of the Balkans              present and discuss data collected by visual
Peninsula, south of the Peloponnesus (Greece), are    observation. For this reason they shall be considered
found some small islands as well as the huge island   as research made on the visible migration of raptors.
of Crete (Fig. 1). Crossing the Mediterranean in      Since raptors mostly fly during daylight and
this area involves flying over the sea for about 300  migrate at lower altitudes compared to other birds
km, which implies a long powered flight that only     (i.e. waders), this method is useful (Alerstam 1990,

Figure 1 - The study area. The black dots indicate the fieldwork sites: 1) Marettimo island; 2) Strait of
Messina; 3) Calabrian Apennines; 4) Apuan Alps; 5) Antikhitira island; 6) Mount Olympus.

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