Page 15 - Panuccio2012
P. 15

Migration ecology of raptors in the Mediterranean

Europe would not be possible. Nonetheless, some        (Kerlinger 1989). Anyone who has spent some
individuals of this species are regularly observed in  time watching migrating raptors will have had
winter in southern Sicily (Mascara 1985).              the opportunity to observe individuals diverting
Flocking behaviour, orientation and                    their course in order to join a flock of soaring
information transmission                               raptors. Moreover a flock of migrants is more likely
Flocking can be observed in several species of         to encounter random thermal currents than an
migrating birds, a phenomenon implying the             individual on its own. This occurs because larger
existence of a social function for this behaviour      flocks sample wider areas (Kerlinger 1989). Since
(Kerlinger 1989, Newton 2008). Among                   this mechanism is more evident in species strictly
Accipitriformes, flocking behaviour varies             using soaring gliding flight, it is not surprising that
in accordance with behavioural ecology and             huge flocks are observed in some species but only
dependence on soaring-gliding flight. The black        small flocks in other species that also use powered
kite is a species that often breeds in colonies        flapping flight during migration. In Mexico,
which, almost always, leave together at the end        supersized flocks of hawks exceeding fifty thousand
of the reproductive season (see also paper I). For     individuals are regularly observed (Bildstein 2006).
this reason, their tendency to remain together         I have personally observed flocks of hundreds of
during the autumn migration is particularly            lesser-spotted eagles on the Bosporus (up to one
evident (Agostini et al. 2000, 2004, Panuccio          thousand) and flocks of 2-3000 steppe buzzards in
and Canale 2003). It is well-known that soaring        Batumi (Georgia). By contrast, flocks of western
raptors are more efficient at thermal localization     marsh harriers or Montagu’s harriers rarely exceed
when they travel in flocks rather than alone           a few dozens of individuals, such as in the Messina
                                                       Strait where I observed flocks of hundreds of

Figure 5 - A flock of steppe buzzards and black kites, Georgia October 2011.
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