Page 16 - Panuccio2012
P. 16

Migration ecology of raptors in the Mediterranean

honey buzzards and very small flocks of harriers      allows the transmission of information between
(paper X). When raptors approach the point where      experienced and inexperienced individuals. In the
water crossing begins, their tendency to remain       short-toed snake eagles this is particularly evident
in flocks become stronger. This is because raptors    since, as mentioned before, they make a long detour.
often hesitate before undertaking a crossing and      The high degree of synchronism in the migration
the larger the flock, the greater the chance that an  period of juveniles and adults belonging to the
individual will begin crossing and that the others    Greek population allows the formation of mixed-
will follow (Kerlinger 1989). This behaviour can      age flocks. The percentage of juveniles migrating
easily be verified by comparing the migration of      together with adults is higher in observations made
the same species in the same geographical area over   in Greece compared with the ones recorded in
land and over water. As in the case of migrating      Italy. Similarly, observations in southern Greece
black kites passing through southern Italy in         have indicated a lower number of juvenile short-
autumn, as they migrate over the Apennines they       toed snake eagles migrating later than adults, while
are usually observed moving in flocks of dozens       across the Channel of Sicily the number of young
of individuals while on two islands of the Sicilian   observed is larger. In addition, on the basis of data
Channel concentrations of up to one thousand          collected for a single year in Greece (far more data
kites are regularly reported (Agostini et al. 2000,   is available for Italy), I ventured the hypothesis
2004, Panuccio et al. 2005a, see also paper I).       that the different proportion of juveniles observed
In the species studied, if we consider adult          in Greece and in Italy might reflect the different
(experienced) individuals, only the western           length of the crossing between Europe and Africa;
marsh harrier follows (mostly) its innate axis of     indeed the distance between Greece and Libya is
migration (NE-SW, see paper II, III, IV). In the      more than twice that of Italy and Tunisia. This
other species studied, adults use flyways that only   hypothesis is formulated on the assumption that the
partly reflect their innate axis. Adult individuals   width of the water barrier acts as a strong selective
display true navigation and orientation abilities,    force. Moreover, I suggest that a relationship exists
modifying their direction of migration and            between the size of the barrier and the tendency
changing their migratory behaviour in relation to     of juveniles to follow adults as a result of a higher
weather conditions and ecological barriers (Hake      mortality of short-toed snake eagles attempting to
et al. 2003, Agostini 2004). Flocking behaviour       cross the Mediterranean between southern Greece

Figure 6 - Kythira island from Antikythira after the rain, October 2009.
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