Page 19 - Panuccio2012
P. 19

Migration ecology of raptors in the Mediterranean

Figure 9 –Recoveries of male and female Western Marsh Harriers during the breeding season and
winter (left) and the migratory distances in both classes (right).

breeding season and recovered during winter,                  and find unoccupied wintering territories. In this
the mean migratory distance is higher for males               case, competition may have been the selective force
(1774 km) than for females (1085 km). These                   shaping this migration strategy.
records seem to confirm the tendency of males to              Another widespread contrasting geographic pattern
migrate further than females as it was hypothesized           of migration is the “chain migration” that occurs
by visual observations research, although if this             when birds breeding at northern latitudes cover, in
difference is not significant in the sample of ringed         their migration, approximately the same distance
birds (z-test: 1.3; P = n.s.). It is interesting to note      covered by birds breeding at southern latitudes
that the three individuals, apparently migrating              (Alerstam 1990).
through the central Mediterranean area, were                  Riassunto
all males and reached south-Saharan Africa (Fig.              La migrazione è un evento che coinvolge un enorme
9). In this dissertation the main study discussing            numero di uccelli che si spostano da un habitat
differential migration is not based on visual                 all’altro. Tra gli uccelli nidificanti nel Paleartico
observation but on the analysis of ringing recovery           molti sono migratori di lunga distanza e viaggiano
data (paper III). The results are consistent with             per migliaia di chilometri due volte all’anno. La
the hypothesis that western marsh harriers show               migrazione tra i siti di riproduzione e quelli di
a leap-frog migration pattern: with an increase in            svernamento comporta un sforzo notevole con
the latitude and longitude of the breeding sites the          un alto rischio di mortalità. Le forze selettive che
distance covered to reach the wintering areas also            agiscono sugli uccelli migratori sono considerevoli:
increases (Fig. 10), while individuals breeding in            essi hanno evoluto una serie di adattamenti
western and southern Europe are mostly residents              (morfologici) e strategie (comportamentali)
or short-distance migrants.                                   per superare le barriere ecologiche e affrontare
From the end of the last glacial era populations of           condizioni meteorologiche avverse. La migrazione
birds were spreading progressively further north.             rappresenta solo una parte della vita di un uccello
These populations were pushed to migrate further              e gli adattamenti morfologici per la migrazione
south to avoid competition with other populations

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